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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1085

The branch family masters came to a rather secluded pavilion and sat there after leaving Fane's living quarters.

One of them then spoke, "Everyone, do you think we can rely on Young Master Fane? It concerns me, seeing as he had just returned to the Woods family. I think that many people can’t accept him yet, and Lily might work against him. Moreover, he’s yet to settle down. Do you think he can truly help us?"

Another old man smilingly replied, “It matters not to me if he can help us or not. I t was already difficult for him to say what h e said today, but he even invited us for a meal to boot. I've already kept my opinion t o myself for a very long time. I feel much more comfortable after I say it out."

"Haha... Exactly! I feel much at ease too!” Lancelot laughed. He then said, "How about this: Let's all slowly leave the main family tomorrow morning. You can wait for me at the bottom of Dragon Mountain, which isn’t far from the main family. I'll go talk to Fane tomorrow and see what he says. After all, h e did tell me to see him alone tomorrow morning."

Chad frowned and asked, "It's so late.

Would he still go and ask his father about i t?"

"That, I don’t know, but I'll still go since he said so. I can't just not show up!” Lancelot smiled bitterly. "Go back and sleep early. I hope that Fane can prosper continuously. I f he can grow up successfully and be the family master, better days truly are ahead o f us."

After the group of branch family members left, Fane came to where Nash lived.

"Greetings, Young Master!" As he arrived at the door, two young men who were guarding the door greeted him loudly, their eyes filled with respect.

“Yes, thank you for your hard work!" Fane nodded before he continued to walk.

Before Fane entered the room, Fane heard that Nash was having a chat with Joan.

He stopped in his tracks and listened intently.

"Jo, I'm sorry for what happened to you both over the years. Sigh! I don't know how to make it up to you two... Had the butler not told me anything, I wouldn't have known that you didn't receive the money I've sent for you. I also didn't know that Fane didn't get the martial art technique and martial enhancement resources I sent!" Nash, who was lying on the bed, sighed and continued to speak, "I don't think that it'll be easy to cure my poison. I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm genuinely afraid that Lily or the others would work against you and Fane after I die."

Joan smiled bitterly and said, "Fane is a great son, and he's very outstanding. He didn't let me down. Although he didn't receive the things that you gave him, he still became the man he is today. I was really worried about him during the five years that he was on the battlefield, but I knew he’d return safe and sound. As expected, he came back and had grown to b e who he is today."

"Thanks to you. It was you who brought our son up to be such an excellent person." Nash held Joan's hand in excitement as he asked, voice laced with ardent affection, "J o, do you hate me? Do you hate my incompetence years ago?"


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