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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1591

The facial expressions of the other three elders turned unsightly.

At this moment, Paul put his hands behind his back and said, "We have no other choice. If there is a fight, whether it is because of us or due to the hatred between the Woods family and the other families, we should all step up and take the Woods family’s side and fight the others together with the Woods family! Only if we fight, there is hope for us to live. Even if we don't want to, we have no other choice!"

"But I'm afraid that it’s difficult to survive this fight. The Woods family’s alliances are not here. If the Hunt family were the only one here, the Woods family would be able to handle it. But . but there are four families here! Even worse, three of them are first-class aristocratic families! And they outnumbered us by many too. How is it possible for us to make it through?"

The First Elder was obviously not confident and even felt regretful in his heart. Why did he choose to come to the Woods family and ask for help from them? If he had just found a remote place to hide, it would be a lot safer!

"The only thing we can do now is to believe in the Woods family. Fane must have something up his sleeve, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to give us his words! Do you really think that just because we offered them some spirited grass, they would be tempted and promised to help us? They must have weighed their strengths beforehand! Do you know how many fighters at the peak stage of true god-level they have right now in the Woods family?" Paul looked at the three elders before him and popped up the question.

"Hmmm. For this matter, I truly don't have any idea. But it’s certainly not as many as the other four families combined!"

A bitter smile surfaced on the First Elder's face, and he muttered, “In my opinion, if we want to win this battle, the Woods family must reduce the number of the true godlevel fighters in the four families quickly, and kill them in a blink of an eye. Otherwise, there's no hope at all! Sigh! But now, the other party has more fighters at true god level and they obviously outnumbered the Woods families by a lot. Even if we help the Woods family, it would be in vain!"

"As the saying goes, to shoot a rider, first shoot his horse; to capture a gang of bandits, first capture its leader! If Fane is smart and able to kill the head of the Hunt family and several other top fighters in the other party, the other party would lose their boss and they'd certainly fall into chaos. Their fighting spirit and morale will be greatly impacted! Then it won't be impossible for us to win this fight!"

After giving the matter some thought, Paul then spilled out his analysis.

At this time, the strongest fighters in the Woods family flew into the sky, and those fighters with lower combat ability and cultivation level gathered at the square beneath. Gloominess covered the crowd's faces as they stared intensely at the enemy before them.

In the main branch of the Woods family, there were not many people. However, Fane had long predicted that there would be a time that someone or some families would seek trouble with them. Hence, Fane had gathered a lot of semi-god and true god -level fighters from the branch families some time ago, and they were living in the main Woods family.

Therefore, there were now more than forty thousand people of true god-level flying in the sky and this number was considered extremely impressive.

"Oh? There are quite many of you, aren't there? So are you guys prepared for this? Impressive! Hahaha!"

The Hunt family head looked at the Woods family before him and then said with a peal of sinister laughter.

“You have many men with you too. It looks like the only ones left in your family as well as the other families are those with low combat prowess and strength. Or perhaps the remaining are from the branch families!

Fane laughed fearlessly in return.

"Master Hunt, I wonder, what are you doing here in our Woods family residence with Master Norman, Master Church, and Master Lagorio? Judging from this melodramatic situation, I'm afraid you're not here for a friendly visit, right? If you're only visiting the Woods family, you've certainly brought too many people with you."

Nash stepped forward and asked in a stern tone, his face cold.


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