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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 1861

Soon after, Josh narrated the whole situation to both clan masters from head to toe.

"I truly did not see that coming! How could someone break through so fast in such a short time? That brat must have picked up some kind of treasure, some really rare and precious treasure!”

Master Loader's face was full of emotions. After thinking about it for a brief moment, he then said, "We must get rid of that brat! If we allow him to live, he'll definitely bring trouble to the Alliance Guard one day!"

"Yes! You're right! If this brat is not killed, there will be endless problems coming to us!"

Master Loader nodded along with great


"Sirs, I..."

Josh's face turned odd as he listened to the two clan masters. "I came today to inform you of the situation so that you can go to the remaining big clans to hold a meeting to discuss this matter! Also, I would like to propose something!”

“Oh? What is it?"

Master Loador and Master Mazkenzie looked at Josh with interest after hearing his words.

A bitter smile hung on Josh’s face. "Since so many people from the abandoned world came in this time, it's truly abominable! But on the whole, they suffered great casualties and the number was reduced from six hundred thousand to around two hundred thousand people. Besides, the Bloodshed Clan has sacrificed eighty to ninety thousand disciples, plus those casualties from the Nine Armies, there were around 130 thousand people who have died!"

Josh paused for a short moment then boldly spelled out his thoughts. "I think there is no drastic increase in the overall population of this place, perhaps the increase is only around 70 to 80 thousand people, and most of them are not strong fighters. Hence, why don't we just forget about it?”

"Forget it?"

Master Loader's face instantly turned unsightly and huffed angrily, "Josh Wallman, my dear Josh! Are you dumb? They intruded into our territory and struck at us! How can we forget about it just like that? Besides, we, the Alliance Guard, are never afraid of the Anti-Alliance Guard! Don't you forget that we are always the ones who are far stronger and powerful than them!"

Josh was startled at Master Loador's anger; he immediately explained, "Master Loador, that's not what I mean! What I want to propose is that since the population did not increase much, maybe we could negotiate with the Anti-Alliance Guard and request them to compensate us for some losses. In this way, we won't lose our face and superiority. After all, we can’t just pretend things didn't happen!”

Josh halted again and then continued," Besides, if we go into war, the loss will be too great, even if we win the battle!"

This time, Master Mackenzie interrupted, his tone cold, "Master Josh, your way of thinking is not feasible at all! Even though we don't ask for a full-scale battle, some small-scale battles are unavoidable! After all, the Bloodshed Clan sacrificed a lot for the honor of the Alliance Guard! So, no matter what, we have to at least ask for compensation from them! And the compensation can't be only some cheap cultivation resources!"

Master Loador chimed in, "All right, all right! We'll need to bring this matter to other clan masters as the two of us have no absolute right to decide on our own. We need a meeting with the other four great clans to decide the next step! But I believe that the other clan masters will not compromise as well. Your task today is completed. You may leave now!”


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