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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2000

The man with triangular eyes was looking at Fane with a disdainful expression on his face. He laughed coldly and said, "Look at him acting all cool and as if he doesn't care about anything at all. If he didn’t care, he wouldn't have come here at all. He must be scared sh*tless about the upcoming fight with Brother Wesley to come here to check you out.”

This time, he did not say all this to flatter Wesley but meant it as it annoyed him to no end when he saw Fane looking as if there was not a care in the world. How could there possibly be a person like him? He thought that even the strongest hero in the whole of Hestia Continent would not act like he was some hot-sh*t, undefeatable by anyone. What gave Fane the right to act like that? He was nothing but a new informal disciple!

Then, there was the fact he did not get in the Dual Sovereign Pavilion through the usual means. He would not have gotten in if it was not for the war that was about to break out. Yes, it was true that Fane had received praises for his strength by Elder Lee, but how much weight did that hold anyway? In fact, he was only a little better than all the trash out there, not worthy of being called an informal disciple.

It was obvious that Wesley felt the same way as the man with triangular eyes. He chuckled and said, "Yeah, who does he think he's impressing by acting all cool. He should just admit that he's here to check me out instead of pretending he's not scared of the upcoming fight with me."

After saying that, he suddenly thought of the day when Fane humiliated him in front of all the other disciples. At that thought, he narrowed his eyes on Fane. Although there was a rule that said fighters could not cause permanent damage or death to their opponents, that did not mean he could not beat Fane until he could not get out of bed for a few months. "I've warned him before that I’ll one day make him pay!"

The man with triangular eyes nodded. He was looking forward to the day Wesley beat Fane into a pulp that his own mother would not even recognize him. He deserved that for comparing him to a worthless, uncultured animal. Actually, he would not mind if Fane dropped dead right now.

"He was so cocky that day! We were all there and saw how he acted! He should not be forgiven so easily. We need to teach him a lesson that the Dual Sovereign Pavilion is not a place for him to act so cocky!” said the man with triangular eyes. The others immediately joined in the demeaning of Fane.

"Yeah! He needs to be shown his place!

Does he really think he can act all cool in front of us just because he's a little better than all the newly recruited informal disciples!"

"What a joke! Everyone knows the newly recruited informal disciples are all a bunch of trash! They're only here to become

cannon fodders. I can't believe he thinks he's as good as the rest of us."

"It was only a few days ago, I saw some of the newly recruited informal disciples challenging the older disciples to a fight in the wager battle arena, and lo and behold, it did not take them long to go down on their knees to beg for their lives once the fight started. They should stay in the trash bin where they belong instead of running around here."

The man with triangular eyes exhaled deeply and in a regretful tone said, "It's a shame we can't tear his limbs apart. If we do that, we'll surely get punished for causing permanent damage."

Wesley smiled enigmatically at that. "It's true we can't do that but that doesn't mean we can't break every bone in his body.

Imagine the pain he would have to suffer through then."

They excitedly kept up the conversation for quite a long time and all the while sneaking glances at Fane. Fane, of course, knew what they were saying about him but decided they were not worth twisting his knickers over.


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