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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2021

Everyone was stupefied at what happened.

Fane once again released the spell, and the black dagger shone brightly. He pushed the dagger forward with all his strength, and the black dagger instantly broke through the silver light, aiming straight for Wesley.

Wesley’s eyes snapped open widely, and despite his hesitance, he habitually stepped back. The black dagger was only three feet away from Wesley's body as he hastily raised his sword to intercept the attack.

A sharp, resounding clang between metals was heard.

The black dagger clashed against the three-feet-sword once more. However, the black light did not dismantle the silvery sword light this time. Instead, the black light enveloped it like a maggot latching onto a bone!

Wesley's expression contorted uglily at the sight, and he immediately activated his true strength to shatter the black light that spiraled upward the sword like vines.

Unlucky for him, Wesley still underestimated Fane's attack.

Although he used his true strength to shatter most of the black light, a fraction of the dark-colored light conquered the sword and crawled onto his arm.

Wesley felt a sharp pain coming from his hands, and it felt like 10,000 ants gnawed at his soul. The sharp pain caused him to wail out in pain.

Wesley was a person who greatly prioritized his image, and he would not have wailed like he did-or anything else of that nature-even if someone wounded him terribly. However, the pain of the soul being invaded was not usual pain. Even those who acted high and mighty could never hold back their scream when they were invaded by the soul sword.

"What the hell is this?!" Wesley was in so much pain that he yelled out loudly. He realized, at that moment, that his darkcolored light was like a kind of poison, one that aimed to hurt the soul instead of the body.

Destroying the Void was a soul attack, and just a fraction of it was enough to submit the victim through sheer pain.

Wesley stepped back, distancing himself greatly from Fane. Meanwhile, the black dagger flew back toward Fane, though this did not mean that two soul swords were defeated by Wesley’s Seven Stars Meteor Clouds. Instead, Fane was forced to retrieve the black dagger because the energy had been exhausted.

At this moment, Wesley's face was chalky-white, and his eyes were bloodshot. His hands seemed to quiver as he attempted to activate his true strength to suppress the sharp pain that assaulted his soul.

Everyone was speechless at the outcome, and the entire area fell into complete silence for a good while, save the sound of the breeze blowing past the tree leaves, proving that time was still ticking. Even Ambrose looked toward the battle stage as if he had seen a ghost.

Finally, somebody blurted, "This guy actually hurt Wesley. How can he be so strong? What is the martial skill that he performed? Why does the black light have such a strong power?!"

"Are you asking me? How would I know? Regardless, we can't underestimate that young man. I just can't fathom how Wesley failed to defeat Fane when he didn't even hold back!”

"The martial skill Fane used must’ve carried the laws of poison. Why else did Wesley wail so painfully? On top of that, that dark-colored skill is incredibly ominous. Even though it was shattered, remnants of it still climbed onto a person's body . like maggots on bones!"


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