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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2359

After saying that, sound of explosions were suddenly heard from a distance. It was as if something had exploded. Fane looked toward the direction of the sound and saw a bright glow! He could even vaguely hear cries of agony.

The white-clothed man was completely panicked. He turned around and shouted loudly, "How could you do this?!"

The black-clothed man's smile disappeared and said with a cold and dark tone, "Why can't I do this? Are you the only one who can plot and scheme against me?"

Fane was a little anxious, but mostly confused. He did not understand what had happened. Why was the black and white pair fighting? However, he could hear from their words that the black-clothed man was very ruthless, and had done various despicable things.

However, the white-clothed man was probably not a saint as well. Yet, without knowing the details of everything, he could not just pass judgment on the two of them. He merely looked on as the white-clothed man seemed like he had been fooled.

His entire face was full of anxiety as if he wanted to leave the place immediately. Yet, he seemed to be worried about what would happen. His eyes were full of uncertainty. After a while, the white-clothed man

seemed to use all the strength in the body to say," You'll pay for this. You'll absolutely pay for this!"

After that, the entire scene started to blur. Fane furrowed his eyebrows as he widened his eyes. He wanted to see what happened after, but everything had become blurry. The stars around him had all turned black.

Just as Fane was wondering what to do, a sigh could be heard next to him. The sigh had appeared far too suddenly, causing Fane to turn his body abruptly.

He saw an old man wearing a traditional black shirt. He had a pair of wizened eyes, and was quietly looking forward. When Fane saw him, he wondered if he was still in an illusion.


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