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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2379

Chandler felt amused just thinking about it. Even the chosen disciples in his clan would not be able to enter at all. Not only did they lack the money, but they also lacked the ability.

A little innate level guy from West Cercie State like Fane would never be able to.

Chandler pursed his lips in slight exasperation as he advised sincerely, "Since you're already in Middle Province, you should find a place to stay if you don't plan on going back anytime soon. Middle Province is vast, and its resources are much better than what you had in West Cercie State."

Fane nodded, looking at Chandler meaningfully. Even though he had just known Chandler for a short time, Fane could see that Chandler was not someone interested in petty schemes or trickery. Chandler was someone worth befriending.

Fane slowly lowered the walls he had put up.

"Middle Province really is quite rich in resources. Can you tell me what's the best way to earn spirit crystals? The best is if I can earn a lot at once."

After saying that, Fane let out a laugh as he lowered his head somewhat helplessly. He knew that his question was quite absurd. It looked like he wanted to get on the fast track forward.

Regardless, he had to ask. After all, 900 million spirit crystals were not something that could be easily earned. He had to start planning right away.

Even though many obstacles were hindering him from going to Wild Gorge Pass, he still had to cut his way through them.

Fane knew very well what the elders of the various clans were like before he was transported; they were there to fight over the Scarlet Case. Those elders knew more than he did, of course, and they even understood the rules surrounding the Hidden Place for Resources.


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