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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2628

During the entire exchange, Fane never lost his composure as he merely stood behind them quietly. Even if he heard some of the things they have said, he barely reacted to them. It was as if they were not talking about him at all.

Claude and Benedict, on the other hand, could not contain how pleased they felt. After being pulled over, they managed to hear some of the conversations despite Elder Maurice trying his best to lower his volume. Of course, they knew why Elder Maurice was so visibly irked.

Claude smirked as he looked at Fane, the nuisance he was. If it was anyone else, Elder Maurice would not have been so angry, and the matter would not be in such a mess.

The moment he thought back to how arrogant Fane was in the vessel, Claude felt a build-up of fury within him. Oh, how he wanted Fane to however much dirt he could! Fane ought to know to choose his battles; whom he could offend and could not.

He raised an eyebrow as he deliberately leaned toward Fane, whispering so none could hear him, "Do you hear that? Elder Maurice is furious thanks to you. Someone like you will only drag us down in this tournament."

Fane pursed his lips in exasperation. Normally, he

would ignore whatever people were saying, but Claude was like an annoying fly in his ears that would buzz to his ear, annoying him to no end.

He looked at Claude and lowly retorted, "Have you conveniently forgotten everything I have said before? You've never seen me in action before, so why are you setting that judgment on me already? You think I'll drag you down? I think you're just trash."

Fane might have lowered his voice when he said that, but he was not as afraid of others hearing him as Claude was. Both Elder Maurice and Mr. Zayne had heard parts of it, even when they stood in front of them.

The two of them turned to look at Fane at the same time, but Fane's expression did not change at all when he felt their eyes on him-still calm as usual. Meanwhile, Claude's face had turned purple from Fane's words, and he was so angry that both his fists trembled.


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