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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 2716

Bradley's lips twisted to a frown before they formed a cold smile. "Fane doesn't have what it takes. I was only able to think of this method because I encountered beasts on Grand Yorn Mountain, and for quite an extended period at that.

"Just think about yourselves, and you'll be able to guess how Fane is thinking. He'd only been on Grand Yorn Mountain for two or three days, and he hasn't had the chance to change his views at all. Whatever he's going to do next will only be what you're capable of, more or less," spoke Bradley, sounding so sure and firm in his words that none rebuked him.

They thought Bradley was making sense, anyway.

If Fane had spent a lot of time in Grand Yorn Mountain like Bradley had and knew how cunning the beasts there were, he would be able to obtain a green Phoenix Fruit like Bradley had.

Conrad smiled and said, "I think he'd be more or less like us, just using a few pills with cold attributes, or maybe a few treasures to attract the phoenix's attention.

"Nonetheless, the phoenix is a beast seasoned with experience, and it won't be baited with just that.

Everything he does will be useless. His result will ultimately be like ours, and he'll return empty-handed.

Elder Maurice frowned when he heard that, coldly glancing at Conrad, but he said nothing in the end. The elder even had to admit that Conrad...made sense.

After all, only Bradley had dwelled at Grand Yorn Mountain for a significant period, and only then had Bradley been able to figure out a method. Fane, on the other hand, did not have Bradley's experience and naturally would not figure out the method.

Even if Fane had something similar to Bradley in mind, the beast would naturally be more guarded after what Bradley did and would no longer fall prey to Fane's actions if he imitated Bradley.


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