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The Soldier's Unsurpassable Honor novel Chapter 3093

In Fane's eyes, the various challenges, and matches in the Whirling World were more like games, the victor would get benefits while the losers would not get anything and even stand to lose their lives. In the middle city, various matches were like games to level up, while more and more people dies.

"What are the three challenges?" Rudy asked with widened eyes.

Fane answered, "From the most difficult to the least is the slaughter gambits, the death matches, and the gentleman's bet!"

After hearing that, Rudy widened his eyes. The death match was not the hardest.

There was also slaughter gambits after that. Just from the name, it sounded like it would involve a lot of killing.

Rudy was even more excited. Before Rudy asked anything, Fane continued, "The middle city's upper and lower limits are much higher than the outer city for gambling. The regular bets in the outer city were set at five thousand as a lower limit and fifty thousand at the highest! Black iron bets had a limit of fifty thousand spirit crystals to a million. You know all of that.

"The slaughter gambit is even greater than black iron bets. Participating in the slaughter gambit has a lower limit of five hundred thousand spirit crystals, while an upper limit of two million!"

The moment he said that Rudy's mouth widened in shock. He widened his eyes as he put up five fingers and said, "The lowest is five hundred thousand! My gosh, are spirit crystals free? They're treating them like nothing!"

Fane laughed before he explained, "I actually feel like the prices are quite decent. Do you know how the slaughter gambit is done?"

Rudy shook his head, "You haven't told me, so how would I? However, just listening to the name tells me that it's going to be bloody!"

Fane sighed and said, "It really is bloody. A total of ten people need to be gathered for each slaughter gambit! Ten of them will be sent to an isolated space before the slaughter starts. The end result is nine deaths!"

Fane's words stunned Rudy. Nine death? After thinking about it, Rudy immediately understood, "You meant that only after one person is left standing will the match end, right?"

Fane nodded. Rudy felt a chill. No wonder it was called a slaughter gambit. For every ten participants, only one person would survive. It was definitely exciting, just thinking about it gave him goosebumps!

After ten of them were sent to the isolated space, they would immediately start killing each other like wild animals in an arena. Only one person would survive to leave the space.

Rudy's expression stiffened after thinking about it, "Isn’t that too crazy?! No wonder it's more difficult than a death match. At the most, a death match would end up with both people dying! Each slaughter gambit leads to nine people dying!

"Any warriors who would participate in something like this would not be weak. To me, they would all be geniuses! Nine of them would die in one go, that’s crazy!" Now that he thought about it, a lower limit of half a million to place a bet was not much! After all, it was such a crazy bet!

Thinking about it, another thought surfaced in his head. Just those three bets on the surface were crazy enough, so what about the two levels underground?


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