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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 1036

“So this is the extent of your abilities? I must say, I'm quite disappointed.”

With a flick of his wrist, the stone sword in Donald's hand shifted from forward-facing to side-facing.

Sigmund didn't notice the subtle movement of Donald's wrist. He still thought that Donald would, as before, strike with an overhead blow.

Who would have known that after Donald finished his strike this time, he would immediately launch into a direct thrust.

The speed of a direct stab was much faster than an overhead slash.

Caught in his habitual thinking, Sigmund didn't have time to solidify his water shield. The stone sword cut through it as easily as a hot knife through butter, piercing the water shield without any resistance.

The sharp blade then plunged into Sigmund's chest. In disbelief, Sigmund looked at Donald.

“I... I can't accept this...”

It was quite challenging to completely kill an expert in Unnerved Realm.

After all, they had the ability to harness the vital energy within themselves to stop bleeding from wounds.

Hence, what would be a fatal injury to an ordinary person could at most be considered a severe injury to them.

Of course, Donald understood this principle. Thus, he loosened his grip on the stone sword in his hand and, without looking back, walked toward the outside of the courtyard.

Sigmund thought that Donald was letting him off the hook.

Yet, the moment Donald let go, the stone sword started to vibrate intensely.

The tremors were coming at a rapid frequency. Sigmund felt as if his heart had been pierced by an electric drill, and no matter what he did, he couldn't gather the vital essence within his body.

In the time it took for Donald to step out of the courtyard, Sigmund's heart burst open.

A gush of fresh blood spewed from Sigmund's mouth. Collapsing against the wall, he slid down to the ground in a weak and limp manner.

Unlike Sigmund, who made no attempt to hide his Stella Warrior energy, the other Unnerved Realm expert kept his faintly discernible.

Relying on his keen perception of Stella Warrior energy, Donald arrived in front of a small hut.

Unlike most of the mansions in Wilson Village, this little hut also had a courtyard. However, there were no landscaped gardens in the yard, just chicken coops and pigsties.

Judging from the living conditions here alone, the person residing in this place shouldn't be an expert from Wilson Village.


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