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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 1089

All along, mercenary organizations had been a formidable presence for ordinary people.

But for Donald, mercenaries were like children playing house. They never posed any real threat to Quadfield.

As the name suggested, a mercenary organization was a group which was willing to risk their lives for money.

In other words, the members within the organization regard money as the most important thing.

Beliefs and perseverance had never been the traits of a mercenary.

Therefore, the actual power level of mercenaries had always been significantly lower than that of regular armies.

Even the most religiously zealous orders of Holy Knights were far more formidable than any group of mercenaries.

Despite being as disorganized as loose sand, they referred to themselves as descendants of demigods during this unique period.

Not to mention, when Donald went to rescue Raphael, he could clearly feel that Rovermore Island had already formed a militarized organization.

Even though the defenses of Rovermore Island were ultimately shattered by Quadfield, it was clear that Sole Wolf had made significant progress compared to the past.

If it weren't for Donald's forceful intervention with the people of Quadfield, it was utterly unpredictable what Sole Wolf would have evolved into by now.

“Lord Campbell, what should we do next?”

Once all Twelve Supreme Kings had finished reviewing the information, Donald said, “Based on the intelligence we've gathered, we can infer that the divine demon tombs around the world are reviving. If that's the case, there will certainly be people like Sole Wolf who become what these divine demon call their demigods.

“I want you to monitor the situation closely at the divine demon tombs. If there really is a revival of divine demon, notify me. I will go and slay the gods.”

Slay the God!

If these two words were spoken by someone else, they would certainly think this person was insane.

However, when Donald uttered these two words, none of Twelve Supreme Kings doubted whether Donald could actually do it.

The eyes of Twelve Supreme Kings were all ignited with the will to fight!


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