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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 437

Faced with someone with a power level of five million, the last thing that crossed his mind was resisting.

Staring coldly at him, Donald fell into deep thought. "I remember you!"

Stunned, Francesco raised his head to look at Donald.

Coincidentally, a breeze blew Donald's hair aside to reveal the icy expression on his chiseled face.

Francesco's mind was blown in that instant. The shocking realization caused him to drop to his knees as if his soul had left his body.

It's Donald! Crabface, who possesses a power level of five million, is actually Donald!

"During the Zodiac Challenge, I almost pierced your skull with a single palm strike!" Donald exclaimed.

His words triggered raging emotions and unparalleled shock within Francesco.

The one who pierced my head with his attack back in the day was Golden Lord, who had worn a golden mask. And now, it turns out that Donald is also Golden Lord!

Unfortunately, the revelation wasn't the worst of it yet.

What Francesco was about to hear next would send him into hellish despair.

"When we were in Quadfield, your shoulder blade was shattered by the aura unleashed by my sword!"

The incident was seared into Francesco's mind. During his time at Quadfield, he was grievously injured by the attack before he could even see the attacker's face.

"Y-You're Lord Campbell!" Francesco gaped at Donald.

As for Arnaldo, he, too, was flabbergasted by the realization.

Donald is both Golden Lord and Lord Campbell?

Both men, especially Arnaldo, began to reevaluate everything they knew in life.

The Donald that Reina had been pining for all this while turned out to be both Golden Lord and Lord Campbell?

The revelation was truly shocking and unbelievable.

When Arnaldo turned his attention to Reina, he saw her gawking at Donald, her eyes filled with admiration.

"I'm going to send you to hell." Donald stared at Francesco.


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