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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 451

The second the guard receive the token, he got out of the car straightaway and hustled off to the airport.

Xylus spoke with lingering dread once the power level readings on his own evaluation glasses returned to normal, “With a power level of five million, he's simply not human. Maybe even Nathan himself would not be a match for him.”

Having already surpassed the million power level mark ten years ago, Nathan Long was a legend on the battlefield.

Tyrone shook his head. “Perhaps we had been mistaken.”

Xylus was taken aback. “How so?”

“The working principle behind the evaluation glasses is the detection of fluctuations. A reading of five million could only be found on assault weapons that are usually nuclear powered. In other words, only nuclear power could produce that sort of energy value. Do you think he could be wearing some gear on him that is powered by nuclear energy?” Tyrone asked.

Initially taken aback, Xylus then shook his head. “Impossible. Nuclear-powered devices like the Tokamak toroidal devices are way too large. They are as big as a mansion and could possibly weigh up to several tons... Unless you mean to say that Tokamak devices could be developed using controlled fusion technology?”

Could it be like Iron Man's? In the Marvel movies, Iron Man's armor is powered by a Tokamak toroidal device. If Lord Campbell really produce such a device, he could change the world!

Tyrone closed his eyes and nodded. “It'd be an unbelievable business opportunity, the ability to shrink a nuclear reactor that is originally as huge as a pyramid into the size of a fist. It will be a complete game changer!”

Mind blown, Xylus remained stupefied for a while before he spoke up again. “That makes a lot more sense. Seeing that there's no way any mere mortal could possess such immense power, it makes the presence of a Tokamak device the only plausible explanation.”

When he developed the Anti Golden Lord Device, Rupert had to expend enough power to light a few dozen streets before he could get it started up. In spite of it, he had never actually managed to deploy it more than ten times. Were he to power it using this Tokamak device, he may very well be able to activate it more than a hundred times'.

On the twenty-third, the engagement date between Jennifer and Tyrone was just three days away.

The situation was unfolding in Pollerton quickly and in increasingly unpredictable ways. Countless corporate representatives and top-class, as well as second-tier tycoons, ceaselessly flocked into town without pause in preparation to extend their own congratulations to Tyrone and Jennifer.

It was a rare sight and a true spectacle for the ages.

Jennifer's relatives and friends were so envious that they were in no short supply of commentary to present about it.

“You're so lucky, Jennifer!”

“The engagement date itself hasn't even arrived, and already, so many have come to Pollerton!”


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