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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 460

Raymond looked much better compared to the past. As he stood beside Donald, the former could feel his body getting warm. Little did he know that Donald was quietly instilling pure energy into the former.

“I'm planning to restart the Dragon Fide Villa project.” Donald sat opposite Raymond.

“When?” Raymond narrowed his eyes.

“The twenty-sixth,” Donald said casually.

It was also the date for Jennifer and

Tyrone's wedding.

During that day, the Campbell clan would definitely go all out and invite the entire city to the event, including the Ten Prestigious Families.

Of course, Donald would be present as well. Once Jennifer wanted to leave with Donald, it would bring humiliation to the Campbell clan. A fight was inevitable.

In fact, it would be an irreconcilable issue to no end.

Raymond sighed. “Are you sure? That old man in Jadeborough is going to die any time. You'll be on the passive side of things if you’re an enemy of the Campbell clan.”

Donald shook his head. “It's just the Campbell clan. There's nothing to be afraid of.”

Hearing that, Raymond fell silent instantly.

After exchanging a few more words with Raymond, Donald left.

The date that day was the twentyfifth. There was still one day left for Tyrone and Jennifer's engagement.

Pollerton was evidently in a lively state. Occasionally, a convoy of luxury cars that cost tens of millions could be seen driving through the streets of Pollerton and pulling up in front of the five-star hotel.

Gideon and his clan had been very busy over a period of time. Even so, all of them were smiling brightly.

They were in charge of planning the entire wedding.

The first stop of the wedding was set at Rivebale Hotel.

Donald's uncle, Michael, also known as Raymond's eldest son, had come to help. His family of three worked extremely hard.

They had been doing great for the past year, ever since they decided to suck up to the Campbell clan. They managed to have all their construction projects running in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, Michael's son, Colt, who was putting up the decorations on the stage, froze.

He spotted a suspicious man dressed in a black suit walk past him. “Why does he look like Donald?”


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