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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 525

The sight of the eight prestigious families squabbling over Jennifer like children outside the gates of Est Montaigne would undoubtedly be a ludicrous one to any bystanders.

The crowd fought unceasingly, none willing to relent. They then looked to Tyrone, who was seated at the side.

“You were the one to offer this reward of ten billion. So tell us, who should enter first?”

Tyrone was too concerned for Jennifer's safety to be bothered with anything else.

“Who amongst you dares to go head to head against Gibbons?” Tyrone said derisively at the group of fools being frustrated over their order of entry.

Tyrone's words shocked them to a realization.

Though they were members of the eight prestigious families, none of them could contend against Gibbons in terms of power or brutality.

Gibbons was smoking a cigarette and enjoying the show when the other seven prestigious families fell silent at the mention of his name.

What's there to argue about? Like Tyrone said, who dares to walk in front of Gibbons?

The entrance to Est Montaigne opened slowly.

“It's open! The gates are open!”

Gibbons threw the cigarette butt onto the ground, extinguished it with his heel, and stretched before strolling toward the facility.

The other prestigious families followed closely behind. Though they could no longer contend for the privilege to enter first, the position of second place was still up for grabs.

All of their expressions changed upon entering the facility.

Tevin was lying in bed with a mouthful of blood and wide, unblinking eyes which seemed to contain no more life.

Other parts of Est Montaigne were also in a wretched state. It looked as if it had been trampled by a frightening force.

“Did somebody attack Est Montaigne?”

“Go in and locate Jennifer. Quickly!” Tyrone ordered. The subordinates he brought immediately ran further into Est Montaigne.

The explosive news caused a buzz of emotions throughout the Youngblood family.

The attack on Est Montaigne left none alive!

Sixty-odd managers in charge of the Youngbloods' safe houses around the world sat around a long table in the hall of the Youngblood residence in Gerton. Every one of them looked grim.

Before them lay the information and personnel list of the security surveillance system in Est Montaigne.

Two Quattuor Stella Warriors and Sivert.

The security setup installed in all the safe houses was deemed of above-average quality. It could ensure the complete safety of the house's occupants, even in a country ravaged by war.

A safe house of that description had been razed in Pollerton.

“Since everybody is here, let's hear it.”

The patriarch of the Youngblood family in Gerton, Yuvich Youngblood, sat at the head position in the hall and swept a cold gaze at everybody within.

“Ever since news regarding Est Montaigne was released, Mr. Youngblood, the valuation of Youngblood Group has shrunk by five percent. Our old clients in banks worldwide are also requesting to transfer their capital because they feel Youngblood Group's safe houses are not as safe as they had imagined.”

The Youngblood family had managed a rapid ascent due to the reputation of their safe houses.

As a result, the impact on Youngblood Group could only be imagined with such a blow to their reputation.

“I don't want to hear what I already know. Tell me something else,” Yuvich barked as he surveyed the crowd. “Like how Est Montaigne was razed, and who is behind it all.”

“All of the surveillance cameras in the facility had been destroyed, Mr. Youngblood. There are no survivors in there, so we could not find out who did it. Whoever it was left no trace behind.”

“Is that so?” Yuvich said as he rapped on the table lightly with his fingers. “Then why did I hear Tyrone announcing that he would give ten billion to whoever it was that could rescue a woman named Jennifer from Est Montaigne before it was destroyed?”

The Youngblood family members present were not stupid. Their eyes lit up at Yuvich's words.

They derived two pieces of information from Tyrone's declaration. The first was a woman named Jennifer being at Est Montaigne before the incident occurred. The second was Tyrone being the person most likely to attack the occupants of Est Montaigne since he had offered a ten billion reward to whoever it was who could rescue Jennifer.

“Send somebody to investigate. The person who attacked Est Montaigne must have connections to Jennifer or Tyrone. Report whatever you find back to me. I'll have that person wish they were never born.”

“Yes, Mr. Youngblood.”

“One more thing. I heard Donald Campbell of Pollerton has launched the Dragon Fide Project. Callahan will handle this. Dragon Fide Villa must not be allowed to rebuild.”

“Yes, Mr. Youngblood.”

The inner circle of the Youngblood family began executing their orders. Meanwhile, the ten prestigious families in Pollerton had also descended into silence.

Sebastian stood at the cemetery, wearing a white flower in his breast pocket and an impassive expression on his face.

Rodolphus, the white-haired elder of the Freedman clan, arrived before Sebastian. “You've been in Pollerton for a long time, Sebastian,” he said in a low voice. “Have you not found out who killed Oscar in Est Montaigne?”

Oscar was the most highly regarded member of his generation within the Freedman clan. If everything went according to plan, he would take over from the elders in another three years to become the new patriarch of the Freedman family.

Oscar's purpose in Pollerton was originally to relax and gain experience. Unexpectedly, that was precisely where something had happened. Worse still, he had met his end in Est Montaigne.

Sebastian knew whose hand Oscar had died under very well, though he kept it to himself. “I'm sorry, Mr. Rodolphus,” he said while shaking his head. “Oscar has many enemies in Pollerton, but none of them have the ability to raze Est Montaigne to the ground.”

Rodolphus looked Sebastian beadily in the eye, though the latter did not flinch nor display the slightest hint of guilt.

Satisfied that Sebastian was telling the truth, Rodolphus clapped the former on the shoulder. “I heard Donald is reinstating the Dragon Fide Project and that you have invested three hundred million in him. I hope you can give me a reason, or your family will strip you of your personal assets, depending on the severity of the situation.”

Prominent families did not wish to see their offspring devote all their energy to internal friction.

The Freedman family's objection to the Dragon Fide Project was well-known among its inner circle, and Sebastian's affiliation with Donald was undoubtedly seen as a move against the Freedman clan.

If Sebastian could not give Rodolphus a satisfactory answer, he would lose the Freedman clan's support.

“I trust Donald and believe that the Dragon Fide Project would be a success. It's been on hold for the past few years due to Tyrone's objection. In addition, it provided no benefits to the prestigious families. What if, however, the Dragon Fide Project benefited us?”

“Preposterous,” Rodolphus boomed. “The world's top billionaires will fall under Donald's control if Dragon Fide Villa is built. How is that beneficial to the other prestigious families such as ours?”

“The recently announced La Tercera Order revealed the government's plan to set up the area around Dragon Fide Villa to be a pilot free-trade zone within a month,” Sebastian said with a glance at Rodolphus. “I think the potential value behind this zone speaks for itself.”

The Ten Prestigious Families did not materialize out of thin air. Instead, they were essentially businessmen driven toward profit.

Even if Sebastian stood against his entire family, he did so for profit, leading to their betterment. Rodolphus could not object to that.

“Even if what you said makes sense, the Freedman clan will never go against Tyrone. Over the years, the prosperity of the Ten Prestigious Families has been inextricably linked. I can't control what you do, but you cannot represent the Freedman clan.”

Rodolphus' words were carefully measured. Though he did not expel Sebastian from the Freedman clan, he did not declare his intention to stop Sebastian from siding with Donald and investing in the latter.

Sebastian understood. He gave Rodolphus' hand a squeeze before turning and departing the cemetery.

Sebastian did not blame the Freedman clan for their ignorance regarding the true extent of Donald's strength. He was adamant about being in the same boat as Donald until the end, as it was the only way to preserve the spark of the Freedman clan until the very end.

Donald held Jennifer and sat on the couch in the couples' marital bedroom in Pollerton. He felt touched looking at the decor of their matrimonial room.

Even though he did not live there anymore, Jennifer still kept the house clean and tidy. It looked as if he had never left.

“No! Let go of me! Donald! Save me!”

Jennifer suddenly began struggling in her sleep. Donald hastened to hold her. “I'm here,” he whispered in her ear. “I'm right here.”

She quietened down at the sound of Donald's voice.

Jennifer hugged him and wept when she opened her eyes and saw his familiar face looming over hers.

“I'm so sorry, Donald.”

Donald brushed Jennifer's nose as he chuckled. “What are you talking about, silly? It's fine now. Oscar did not do anything to you.”

Jennifer lowered her gaze to her clothes and found they were indeed tidy. They did not look like they had been forcefully undone.

“How is that possible? How did you find me?”

Donald gazed at Jennifer. “I asked a friend for help in rescuing you. He is formidable but does not wish for anybody to learn of his existence. Can you promise to keep his secret, Jennifer?”

Jennifer nodded obediently.

“Are you still upset?” Donald suddenly asked.

Jennifer blushed before rolling her eyes at Donald. “Yes, I am,” she huffed. “Let go of me.”


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