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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 851

Fallon and the others froze in shock when they arrived at the scene.

It wouldn't even be an overstatement to call it a gruesome sight.

There was blood everywhere, and the dismembered corpses of the Special Operation Force members were scattered all over the place.

It was like standing inside a gigantic meat grinder. Even a woman like Killian, who had been through hundreds of battles, found herself disgusted by the gory sight before her.

“I've never seen such a horrific scene, Captain! Do you think this place was hit by a missile or something?” Warner asked.

Since so many members of the Special Operation Force were killed in an instant, it was only natural to assume that they were hit by a high-explosive bomb.

However, there were no signs of an explosion anywhere. Also, judging by the cut wounds on the corpses, they seemed to have been killed by a sharp blade of some sort.

“The headquarters would have alerted us if it was a missile. Be on your guard, everyone. Do not wander too far away from each other.”

Those words had barely left Fallon's mouth when a bright red tentacle shot out of the woods nearby and went straight for his throat.

That tentacle moved so fast that Fallon didn't even have time to draw his weapon fully.

Realizing that it would be too late to block the incoming attack, Fallon had no choice but to dodge it by stepping aside.

A bloody wound formed on Fallon's shoulder a second after the tentacle brushed past it.

“Watch out, everyone! The attack is coming from the woods!” Fallon shouted as he rolled to the side and whipped out his dagger.

As though some kind of monster was hiding in the woods, more tentacles came shooting out one after another.

This was the first time Fallon and the others had seen such a thing.

“What should we do now, Captain?” Warner asked with his fists clenched while awaiting Fallon's orders.


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