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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 854

“Are you okay?”

While Fallon was lost in his thoughts, Donald slung the sword in his hand over his shoulder. There was not a single scratch on him.

It was as though he had merely squashed a bug instead of having fought an incredibly intense battle.

“H-How did you accomplish that?”

If Fallon were to sustain a blow from a second-form tentacle, he might end up paralyzed.

Yet, not only could Donald withstand the simultaneous attack of so many tentacles, but he also managed to mount a counter-attack.

Donald answered placidly, “Your capabilities are still inadequate now. When you've attained a certain level, you'll realize it isn't difficult to do what I just did.”

“Thank you, Mr. Campbell. Our drones' surveillance footage indicates that Earl's members have retreated.”

Sophus had known that Earl would send men over to break through the border by force this time, but he had not expected them to dispatch a top-notch expert like Florian.

Fortunately, they had sought Donald out to back them up this time. Otherwise, the South Sea Military Region would undoubtedly be on the losing end.

After Earl's members retreated, there was no longer any need for Donald to handle the remaining small fries.

In the helicopter heading back to Pollerton, Sophus said to Donald, “General Holk asked me to convey a message to you, Mr. Campbell.”

“What is it?”

“He said he recently detected abnormal energy reactions in many places within the country. He's worried it might indicate the onset of a tremendous change in the whole of Yorksland or even the entire world. For that reason, he hopes you'll break through to the Unnerved Realm as early as possible. He also wishes you to master Mystic Sun Technique he gave you posthaste.”

According to the rules, Maynard should have retired from the South Sea Military Region ages ago at his advanced age of seventy-eight.


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