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The Son-In-Law Shot to Fame novel Chapter 97

A permanent resident ofYartran? So what? Donald can destroy them all without breaking a sweat!

Suddenly, Donald piped up, “Wait. I changed my mind.”

A look of glee crossed Jasper's face. He chuckled and said mockingly, “Oh, are you scared now? I knew it!”

Then, he turned to Lucas with a hint of resentment in his expression. “Just look at how pitiful you are.”

Donald continued, “Take him to the Octagon Sect and kill him there. If anyone dares to stop you, kill them too.”

Lucas' body trembled violently. However, he could only sigh in despair without saying anything.

He knew if he uttered a single protest, it would be over for the Albee family.

Although Jasper was his only son, he still had a few daughters. If he crossed Donald, all of them could end up getting killed!

“Run along,” Donald said, waving his hand dismissively.

Lucas got up and retreated with his back still bent respectfully. After walking out the door, he sighed and did not say anything. No words could express the heaviness in his heart.

Meanwhile, Zayne grabbed Jasper by his neck and headed straight for the Octagon Sect.

Jasper kept struggling to break free as he shouted, “Give me a phone! I want to call my mother and uncle!”

“Give him a phone. Let him make those calls,” said Charles.

Zayne passed Jasper a phone while Frankie watched with a smirk.

“It's a good thing you didn't step out of line. Otherwise, you would've met the same sticky end,” Zayne said, his tone grave as he looked at Frankie.

Frankie nodded solemnly. “I know.”

After everyone else had left, Donald led Reina to the room next door while Tyson arranged for some people to clean up the scene.

“I want to take a shower,” Reina said, her face flushed scarlet.

Momentarily stunned, Donald finally responded, “Okay.”

Fortunately, the walls of the bathroom were not see-through. Otherwise, it would have made for an extremely awkward situation.


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