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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1000

"How dare you! You are being so rude! Don't flatter yourself, boy!"

Nobody abandons the Heaven Pavilion Sect! If the Heaven Pavilion Sect was destroyed, we shall die with it!"

A senior member of the sect whose cultivation base in the Astral Realm roared angrily at Austin.

The furious senior member was a high ranking member of the Heaven Pavilion Sect who was considered by the other members to be one of the most powerful persons in all of the sect. The downside was, he was immensely arrogant and proud. Thus, his pride was what caused him to be angered by Austin's words.

Austin gazed at the senior member reluctantly. Then, with a quick swing of his hand, he grasped his Lightning Sword and immediately attacked, slicing the senior member in half with the sword aura.


In a blink of an eye, the senior member fell silent as the two halves of his body fell to the ground.

It was, indeed, a gruesome sight to see.

"What have you done? You heartless monster! You did all this because you had an issue with Tom? True, he was a disciple of our sect, but so what?

I don't care what Tom did to you in the Six Master City! You have gone too far! You killed Tom and his son. Haven't you had enough?

There is no reason for you to keep killing the members of the Heaven Pavilion Sect relentlessly,"

another senior member of the Heaven Pavilion Sect said angrily while pointing at Austin. He was so full of resentment that he could not stop himself from trembling.

The Heaven Pavilion Sect was not one of the top powers in the Triangle Zone.

However, in the hundred years that it had existed, it had never been unfortunate enough to be as on the brink of death as it was in that moment.

"What's the problem?

How come you still don't understand that you can't talk any sense into warriors of the Triangle Zone?

In the Triangle Zone, only the best warriors can give orders and expect his orders to be obeyed.

I am quite sure that if you were stronger than I am, then you and your team will go to the Six Master City to kill me as soon as possible.

If that were the case, you will even kill all of the people of the Lu Clan.

But right now, I am the stronger one. Therefore, I can kill you as you would have done,"

Austin said coldly with a sneering expression.

Upon hearing Austin's words, more than thirty senior members of the Heaven Pavilion Sect all choked.

Austin's words were true. Indeed, the Triangle Zone was the most unreasonable and violent place in the South Continent.

In the triangle zone, only the strong could give orders.

"I gave you the chance to survive before, but now, I'm not giving you any chances anymore.

From this moment on, I will kill one person for every number that I count. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Austin said as he lost his patience. He no longer wanted to waste time there anymore.


Austin began to count.

At the same time, he quickly slashed his Lightning Sword, immediately killing one person with one strike of its sword aura.



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