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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1018

The giant Dahlia's father had transformed into was engaged in a fierce fight with a Heaven Palace warrior at the premium stage of Tribulation Realm.

Austin, to his surprise, found that one blow from the giant carried at least five million pounds of strength.

His fists and legs moved so fast that the air heated with his movements. The evaporated air deformed the space around it. This created violent hurricanes that whirled like air bombs. They spread in all directions and were triggered by obstacles in their path. Thick black smoke soared to the sky like black dragons. The whole place turned into a sea of chaos in a twinkling.

As a result, the Tribulation Realm warrior at the premium stage from Heaven Palace gained no advantage in the fight.

Austin could not help but feel admiration for the giant's ability.

The Sect Supremo and the thunder unicorn were jointly attacking another warrior, who seemed to be at the medium stage of Tribulation Realm.

Since the two sides were almost equally matched, the battle had reached a stalemate.

The Heaven Palace, however, still had a capable warrior at the medium stage of Tribulation Realm and dozens of Astral Realm warriors and Master Realm warriors, who had not yet joined the battle. There was still a chance that they might win the battle!

"Kill them all. They're weak and incapable. Leave no one alive!"

The Tribulation Realm warrior signaled to the Astral Realm warriors and the Master Realm warriors as soon as he had finished speaking. They nodded before dashing toward Austin.

Austin clenched his teeth as the warriors approached him.

"There's no other way. It's risky, but I have to try again."

He touched his Space Ring, and the Slaughtering Sword immediately appeared in his hand.

The sword emitted a ray of color as dark as blood. A crimson sheen shrouded the whole area, threatening death to anyone who had the misfortune of coming in its path.

Austin's eyes also changed to the color of blood. He appeared terrifying with his hair and clothes flapping in the violent storm and his murderous intent filling the space.

Without losing another moment, Austin leaped toward his enemies. He swung his sword so deftly that it left a visible wide web of red flashes. Blood splashed, and body parts fell every time Austin raised his sword. As Austin made his way through his attackers, warriors fell on the ground, one after another. The place resembled hell, with corpses and blood everywhere.

"No! Help..."

"Please! Don't kill me!"

Fear was written on the faces of the Astral Realm warriors and the Master Realm warriors, who had survived. Their faces were distorted with horror as the red flashes of Austin's sword neared. They were so terrified that their legs turned numb and they fell to the ground.

The nightmarish red rays, like ghosts, crept into the souls of the warriors. The red rays carried fatal energy that killed anything made of blood and flesh. The souls of the warriors trembled as this frightening force besieged them.

Sheer silence dominated the space.

In the next moment, boom!

The bodies of the warriors exploded in succession.

A shower of red smog filled every corner of the space as the deadly weapon destroyed the bodies of the Astral Realm warriors and the Master Realm warriors from the inside.

"The archaic weapon!"

The three Heaven Palace warriors at the Tribulation Realm level shouted with fear when they recognized Austin's weapon. They stared at the Slaughtering Sword in Austin's hand with widened eyes.

"You must be Austin!

You are him, right?


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