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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1020

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A powerful and unmatched force of suppression suddenly broke out from the Fire Stela in the elixir field of Austin, which seemed to be in response.

The potent repressive force dispersed an intent to murder, invading Austin's body along his limbs, bones, veins, and tissues.

His consciousness had completely returned to guard the spiritual tree, having a vague sensation about the outside world.

With a swoosh, many fresh, green leaves twirled nonstop

in Austin's soul sea, cutting and breaking down the blood-red murderous intent that invaded him.

However, the intent was so strong and tenacious that it was proving hard to completely drive out as quickly as he would have wished.

Austin was surprised to

find that

about a dozen crystal-clear roots the size of his little finger gently waved up.

As he watched, the roots with glittering luster rolled out.

In one fell swoop, they rushed to sweep away the killing spell in the sea.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Like a gigantic whale gulping water in the sea, the roots produced such a strong suction that dried up the killing spell in the twinkling of an eye.

Concurrently, the tree kept growing stronger by the minute, together with his own spiritual sense.

'The spiritual tree should be able to guzzle the murderous intent!'

Austin was pleasantly surprised at the discovery.

He was blown away by the wonderful work of the tree.

Austin remembered what Wally had said. The tree could absorb all kinds of energy from the environment and turn them into a spiritual force. If cultivators absorbed that force, they could vastly improve their spiritual sense.

The murderous intent was among the types of energy that the tree could absorb.

Finally, the scarlet energy in his soul was cleared out.

Little by little, he could feel his spiritual sense improving.

Austin was surprised by the unexpectedly killing intent that began to form in his spiritual sense.

At the same time, he also sensed a boost to his martial art skills.

Although he had been dizzy, just a few minutes back, suddenly, he opened his eyes.

The blood-red color disappeared, leaving his eyes clear now.

"Austin, you woke up at last!"

said Dahlia's father, who had stood by, waiting for Austin to come to.

By now, the man had returned to his normal state — a tall, middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and piercing eyes.

As Austin's eyes cleared, he realized he was in a secret chamber.

Reading the place by his spiritual senses, he knew he was back to the headquarter of the Heaven Pavilion Sect.

"Austin, are you OK?"

Dahlia's father asked.

"Thank you for your consideration, sir,"

Austin replied with a smile.

At the moment, he appeared to have regained full strength. Surprisingly too, he didn't have even a single scratch

"Um, generally speaking, even cultivators above the Tribulation Realm can barely handle the archaic weapon.

Cultivators of the Master Realm might be exploded to death if they use the archaic weapon in a forcible way. The extreme energy of the weapon is far too much for them.

It's amazing that you killed two powerful martial arts masters with that formidable weapon and came away unscathed after!"

Staring at Austin, Dahlia's father oozed with praises. Certainly, he was impressed

that Austin was safe and that his aura was even stronger than before.

"Austin, something important happened recently in the Triangle Zone.

Would you want to know?"

Dahlia's father asked, trying to see if the subject would pique Austin's interest.

"What happened?"

Austin pressed, keen to find out the details. Through the recent experience, he was pretty sure the Triangle Zone was on the brink of descending into chaos.

"In the past few days, three major events had dominated the news across the south of the Prime Martial World.

Immediately after the auction in the Graystone City, all attendees had been intercepted and murdered.

The incidence had shocked the entire South Continent. Never in history had there been such a great loss of both elders and disciples from all sects.

The second major development was that due to the losses incurred, all sects in the region began working together, and were ready to send a joint team to the Triangle Zone to confront the Heaven Palace.

In return, the Heaven Palace was already threatening dire consequences against the slightest provocation.


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