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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1022


The man dressed in black clothes could not escape and defend himself on time, because he was restrained. His spiritual soul was under Austin's control.

Austin punched him in the stomach, making him spout a lot of blood. He was once again punched, instantly breaking his bones into tiny pieces and spilling his gut all over. By the time Austin was done with him, he was a pool of muddy flesh on the ground.

"Will you now kneel and apologize?"

Austin asked with a sinister smile as he turned around and looked at the rest of the cultivators of the Heaven Palace.

After seeing Austin kill the man in black using only one punch, the cultivators of the Heaven Palace were frightened out of their pants.

"We are from the Heaven Palace. Aren't you afraid that we, the cultivators of the Heaven Palace will exterminate the Heaven Pavilion Sect?"

One of the cultivators tried to overcome his fright by willing himself to stay calm and shouted to Austin.

"This is the land of the Heaven Pavilion Sect. Anyone who sets foot in this land must obey the rules of the Heaven Pavilion Sect.

Even though you are from the Heaven Palace, our rules apply to you as well and you should obey them.

I will give you three seconds. After that you will all die if you don't kneel and apologize to the wounded cultivators of our Heaven Pavilion Sect,"

Austin replied in a cold voice.

"You !"

"What should we do?"

"How about we gang up and fight against him?"

The cultivators of the Heaven Palace were puzzled and at a loss on what to do. Everyone started talking over each other trying to come up with a solution.

The Heaven Palace was one of the most powerful sect in the Triangle Zone. No one in the Triangle Zone had ever dared to treat the cultivators of the Heaven Palace like this.

This was the first time that they had been disrespected this much. They were stuck and didn't know how to react to this kind of situation.


Austin started to count down the seconds.

"Where is Ricco? Come out! Do you want me to exterminate your Heaven Pavilion Sect?"

shouted someone from the crowd loudly.

"I am Ricco."

Ricco, the leader of the Heaven Pavilion Sect, came forward and stood beside Austin.

"Now, my master is the one in charge of everything. It's all up to him. You will all die today if you don't kneel and apologize as he has asked,"

Ricco replied as he sneered at the cultivators of the Heaven Palace coldly. He couldn't believe their audacity.


Austin continued counting the seconds without any emotion.

"Let's withdraw first, and report this insolence to our leader, and then when the time is right we shall come back and take revenge!"

remarked two cultivators as they suddenly activated the bodily movement skill and flew to the sky.

Austin activated the Demon-creating Skill and the Spiritual Sense Flying Spear using his mind and attacked their Soul Seas.


Both were strong and had their cultivation base at medium stage of Astral Realm.

Instantly, both of them screamed and fell to the ground like drunkards.

They kept screaming as they held their heads while lying on the ground.

After a few seconds, their spiritual souls were broken and blown into pieces killing them instantly. They became two lifeless corpses.

"Gasp!" Everyone was in shock.

Although Austin had not moved his hands at all, everyone knew that he had killed the two cultivators.

They were shocked that he could kill people without moving his body or anyone noticing, so they couldn't help wondering if he used some kinds of evil skills.

Everyone from the Heaven Palace looked at Austin in fear.

Austin was very satisfied at that moment. After the spiritual tree had absorbed the bloody murderous intention that was invading his Soul Sea, his spiritual sense had gained a sharp murderous power.

The spiritual sense had grown more powerful and vicious with the recent attack than before.

Now it looked like he could defeat the cultivators who were at the Astral Realm by merely using his spiritual sense.

Meanwhile, Austin was in deep thought contemplating the fact that the spiritual tree could absorb the bloody murderous intentions invading his Soul Sea.

That meant he could use the Slaughtering Sword freely and didn't have to worry about the bloody murderous intentions.


Austin counted the last second in a cold voice.

Then he used his mind to attack them.

A cultivator of the Heaven Palace who was at the preliminary stage of Astral Realm screamed while placing hands on his head.

He became a corpse within a few seconds.

Another cultivator at the preliminary stage of Astral Realm screamed as well.


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