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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1026

Austin used his spiritual sense to find where Fanny's old grandfather was as soon as he heard that people from the Heaven Palace were approaching.

'Sir, how long will you spend in deploying that array?'

Austin transmitted a message by using his spiritual sense.

'I have some procedures to do at the end. If there are no accidents, I should be able to finish it in fifteen minutes.

You talk to the team of the Heaven Palace to buy me more time. I will finish deploying the array as soon as possible, '

Fanny's grandfather replied in a hurry. It was evident that he was extremely busy deploying the array from the way he answered.

'Well, I don't even know the power of the Eighteen Arhats Array. Let me see this time, '

Austin thought to himself as he performed the Thunderbolt Movement Skill and moved his body towards the mountain gate.

At the same time, he sent a message to his servants by using his spiritual sense.

At that very moment, innumerable warriors emerged from the eighteen mountains, followed Austin and landed in front of the mountain gate of the Heaven Pavilion Sect.

Behind Austin, the Sect Supremo and over thirty warriors at the Astral Realm of the Heaven Pavilion Sect and more than ten warriors at the Astral Realm of the Wolf Gang stood in the well-defined line.

And then warriors whose cultivation base was the Master Realm or the Imperial Realm followed them gradually.

Austin led this whole procession taking the lead role.

His hands were clasped behind his back. He remained calm for his role as a leader.

"Here they come!"

Austin finally changed his expression after a while.

Using his spiritual sense, he figured out that a big team was rushing to the headquarters of the Heaven Pavilion Sect seven thousand or eight thousand meters away.

Many figures flew in the sky, just like millions of insects over your head. After they had passed by, you could feel that the air around you was vibrating.

"Look at their team. It seems that this time, the Heaven Palace is determined to destroy the Heaven Pavilion Sect completely."

Austin heaved a sigh as he sensed their power.

After a while, he could see from the horizon that many people were approaching with lightning speed. The number of them was a few thousand or so.

A man in black and two middle-aged men, who had extremely strong power, flew right in front and led the army of thousands.

Austin sensed their vital energy force they displayed and he found that

they were warriors at the Tribulation Realm.

Two of them were just in the medium stage of Tribulation Realm. The rest was in the preliminary stage of Tribulation Realm.

The warriors who followed them were at the Astral Realm. They were about sixty in total. Others' cultivation base was the Master Realm or the Imperial Realm.

Such a powerful team would destroy the Heaven Pavilion Sect in a jiffy if they wished to do so.

After a while, they finally reached the mountain gate of the Heaven Pavilion Sect and floated in the sky.

They looked at Austin's team from a distance.

Those three warriors at the Tribulation Realm that flew at the front of the team just now were surprised as they found the team waiting for them outside the mountain gate of the Heaven Pavilion Sect.

Then the old warrior in black showed a sneering expression. It was obvious that he scorned at strength of the Heaven Pavilion Sect.

"Leader, he is the one who slaughtered the warriors of our Heaven Palace,"

a few people said to the old warrior in black as they pointed at Austin from a distance.

It was obvious that these people who were talking to their leader had come to the Heaven Pavilion Sect and seen how Austin slaughtered their companions.

The old warrior in black narrowed his eyes as if they were the sharpest knives. He used his spiritual sense to observe Austin carefully.

Austin remained calm as usual when the old man in black checked him with spiritual sense.

After he had checked Austin with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help twitching his eyebrows and let out a frown.

"You said that he was at the premium stage of Master Realm.

How come he is at the preliminary stage of Astral Realm now?"


But that day..."

they all exclaimed.

"You're all a bunch of idiots! You are so useless that you can't even sense others' cultivation base,"

the old warrior in black scolded them thoroughly. At once, they broke out into a cold sweat. They gazed at Austin with resentful eyes.

"You killed warriors in the Heaven Palace?

Hum! In the Triangle Zone, you dare kill warriors in the Heaven Palace. How dare you do that?

Who are you anyway? Where are the Sect Supremo and Ricco?


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