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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 103

In fact, once Austin exercised his Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill, he could handle the four one-horned diabolic wolves relatively easily.

But since that skill consumed a considerable amount of his vital energy, Austin seldom resorted to it. He also hoped to improve his body agility and gain more experience with actual combat.

Therefore, he decided to wrestle the four one-horned diabolic wolves relying on his seventh cultivation level and his impeccable Cloud Swordsmanship.

The fight turned out to be fierce. Many times, when Austin was just about torn up by the wolves, he made a miraculous escape at the very last moment.

It was similar to walking on a tightrope. Austin could have been ripped to shreds if he hadn't been paying attention.

Making one narrow escape after another, he frustrated the aggressive wolves. Gradually, he began his counter-attack, coming to blows and wounding them one by one. Two hours later, Austin had pierced his sword into the hearts of each of them.

After the tough battle, he examined himself from head to toe and gave a wry smile.

He was covered in blood, some of which belonged to the wolves, while a little was his own. He found at least eight large gashes on his body. They were wolf bites. At one place, his flesh was ripped off. One of the wolves had chewed up his flesh, making him yelp in excruciating pain. It was not an exaggeration to say that he looked utterly chaotic—blood drying off on his skin and hair sticking out in tufts, while the rest of his body was entirely marked in cuts and bruises.

The four one-horned diabolic wolves had indeed been powerful. Their bones had been tough as iron, and they themselves were as crafty as foxes. Moreover, they fought in packs and cleverly so. During the entire combat, their coordination had been perfect.

Given that it had been a four-on-one combat, Austin allowed himself to feel proud of having emerged as the victor, despite all his wounds.

Meanwhile, Billy, along with a band of his trusted subordinates, had taken to following Austin's traces. As soon as he had heard the news of Austin leaving Sun Sect for the Grand Desolation Mountain, he had wasted no time in following him.

He and his men had tracked Austin to this place. Hidden behind nearby bushes, they witnessed the fight between him and the four one-horned diabolic wolves.

"Brother Tang, when shall we strike?"

an outer disciple whispered in Billy's ears.

After two days of tracking, he was beginning to lose his patience.

It was obvious that Austin had extraordinary strength, but the outer disciple was positive that they could easily defeat Austin, since the latter was so evidently outnumbered. The disciples had already agreed to attack Austin together once they caught sight of him.

'Austin might be strong, but at the end of the day, he only has two fists he fights with. How can he possibly resist our attacks?' he thought smugly.

"Hush down! We can't strike Austin until he's worn out and his vital energy is almost depleted. That's the safest strategy for us. I was told that casting the Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill costs seventy percent of one's vital energy. If Austin uses up most of his vital energy in dealing with those wolves, he wouldn't be able to use that skill against us. And without the Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill to aid him, Austin's life will be in our hands," Billy hissed back, the corners of his mouth curving up conspiratorially.

The other outer disciples murmured quietly, reassured at these words. They all thought Billy had a fair point.

After witnessing the battle between Austin and Billy, each of them had come to fear Austin's Grand Pagoda Summoning Skill.

But if Austin could not execute that skill ultimately, he would be like a lion without its tusks, that is, completely harmless.

Confident in this plan of attack, everyone waited patiently but eagerly.

However, little did they know that behind a huge tree about five hundred meters away along their left back end, hid another group of young men.

Their leader was a tall man. The white jade fan in his hand swayed casually as he coldly eyed the cluster of men crunching behind the bushes.

It was Marvin.

"Senior Su, seems Billy and his league of men have come to attack Austin," a young man muttered.

"I'd like to see them battle it out. When their scuffle draws to an end, we will swoop in and clean the mess. Haha, I love this game!"

The woman standing next to Marvin—Lara—cackled, as did the four other young men.

The men in Marvin's league were among the best of the outer disciples, though their strength was a far cry from Marvin's. They got along with Marvin, so he invited them to come along and take out Austin. In return, he promised to gift them treasures.

However, they too didn't know that on a hill close to them, stood five other people.

Each of them was holding a different weapon—hammers, swords, combating axes were in the mix. Their eyes were sharp and vicious as they gazed at the scene in front of them.


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