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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1032

The demons that emerged from the dark cave flew about and reached just above the square.

After a moment, all of them descended at the stand.

"Your honors, Seymour the Demon Lord with five hundred demons reports to you."

A demon with horns on his head, which curved at the tips, stepped out. He got down on his knees and prostrated at the feet of the two demon kings standing next to the man in purple. It was a mark of reverence and worship.

"Well. Thank you for your hard work. You can stand up now."

One of the demon king nodded as he ordered.

"Your honors, the Black Demon Imperator commanded me to give you a message.

A man named Austin had reportedly killed several demon's messengers of the Black Demon Imperator. So he asked both of you to take into account his actions, find his whereabouts and kill him!"

Seymour raised his hand and waved it in thin air. Just then a shadow rose up, which was the portrayal of Austin's appearance.

"The Black Demon Imperator said that Austin was good at transforming his appearance, but he has figured out Austin's original look and features of the aura of his spiritual soul so that you can kill him with ease,"

Seymour added.

"We will carry out the command of the Black Demon Imperator. We'll search for Austin and take his life!"

the other demon king who was standing beside the man in purple assured Seymour.


the man in purple suddenly muttered to himself as if it reminded him of something. The name seemed to have shaken him a bit.

"Is this Austin, the same one who has obtained the four archaic weapons?" Reflecting on it for some time, the man in purple seemed to recollect about Austin.

He had already heard about Austin. And there was a smirk on his face as he thought more and more about Austin.

On the other hand, at the headquarters of the Heaven Pavilion Sect, everything was going on as usual. It was just another normal day.

Standing on the slope of a green hill, Austin was busy in his cultivation. His eyes were closed as he was totally lost in his act.

Slowly, his spiritual sense spread out along the earth. He let it move gradually so that it could cover the vast land around him.

With his current spiritual sense, he could easily perceive anything within the range of more than ten thousand meters.

Every inch of that part of the land, including the terrain, the altitude of the mountains, the alignment of all the natural features, even the path and movements of the river was all very clear in his mind.

Even on ground level, the undulation of a small hill, the habitations of animals and the plant distribution, all were under the perception of Austin's spiritual sense.

Next, his spiritual sense went underground to probe the alignment of soil, rocks and subterranean rivers.

Austin stood still for more than half a day. He was immersed in the cultivation with all his heart and soul.

At present, he was busy in practicing the first level of the Earth-shaping Formula, which was called the insights into the terrain.

It required him to comprehend the geological features of the earth.

This level was the introduction to the Earth-shaping Formula, and was closely linked to the spiritual sense and soul's apprehensiveness of Austin.

Once he could perceive the terrain and sense the mysterious power hidden deep in the earth, he was qualified to the next level of the formula.

If not, the cultivation of the Earth-shaping Formula was impossible to go on.

Austin speculated that it was because of his powerful spiritual sense that the mysterious figure, which he met underground, imparted the Earth-shaping Formula to him.

The whole day had passed, yet Austin didn't find the mysterious power through his insights into the terrain.

However, he was in no hurry. He understood this was the law of nature. He knew that cultivation was always a gradual process, and haste didn't bring any success.

Finally, Austin decided to pause the cultivation of the Earth-shaping Formula.

He gradually sobered up.

Having regained his consciousness completely, Austin stretched his tight limbs to relax.


The Sect Supremo flew over from afar and settled down before Austin.

Since Austin had practiced the Earth-shaping Formula in the course of time, the Sect Supremo did not dare to bother him.

Knowing that Austin had temporarily quitted the cultivation, he came over at once.

"Master, lot of things are happening in the Triangle Zone these days.

First of all, the Heaven Palace has overcome more than half of the forces in the Triangle Zone.

In addition, the troops formed by different sects of the South Continent of the Prime Martial World have entered the Triangle Zone. They are aimed at crusading against the Heaven Palace. Now they are still looking for its headquarters and are preparing to send a punitive expedition against it.

However, before they could figure out the location of the Heaven Palace's headquarters, the conquered forces of the Heaven Palace sneaked up on them. The battle lines between them are clearly drawn now.

This is the trigger of the chaos in the Triangle Zone,"

the Sect Supremo reported everything to Austin.


So, the troops from different sects have amassed in the Triangle Zone?


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