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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1051

When Emma and Debby saw piles of superior vital energy crystals in their Space Rings, they were immensely thrilled.

It felt extremely unreal to them -- as if what was happening were nothing more than a really good dream. With that, they were just over the moon with happiness.

It took quite a while for them to finally get down from the feeling of ecstasy.

And when they did, they both looked at Austin with great admiration and gratefulness.

They were well aware that the only reason they were able to acquire those superior vital energy crystals was because Austin was there with them.

If they had walked the Barren Mountain without Austin's company, they would have been torn to pieces by the demonic dogs guarding the place within half a day. Even more than that, there was no way they could have discovered the treasures without Austin's help.

After a day of travelling, they reached another part of the Barren Mountain.

"I never would have imagined that such a vast and broad sand dune area like this would exist in this Barren Mountain,"

Austin exclaimed as he gazed at the scenery before them.

In front of them, the rocky, dark brown terrain that was covered by grit and pebbles was gone. Instead, it was replaced by a boundless sand dune desert.

All of the topographies in their line of sight, such as the plains, mountains, and hills were all covered by a layer of black sand that was as thick as a dozen yards in some areas.

It was, in all aspects, a desert region.

"The topography of this Barren Mountain is very complicated.

It would be very likely for us to encounter just about any form of topography once we set foot on the boundary of this Barren Mountain.

What's more, it is said that its space and ground are completely unstable, and its location is not fixed. Thus, it will most probably shift and move from time to time.

For example, one particular location might be a black desert during your first visit, and then turn into a thriving oasis in your next,"

Emma said as she turned to Austin.

"That's true. I've heard of that before."

Austin nodded in agreement. He, himself, had some knowledge about the Barren Mountain because he dug around for some information before they went there.

"It's time to go,"

Austin said as he took the lead in flying over the dune desert region.

After a while, they found themselves in the middle of an endless black dune.

As Austin watched the black sandy desert surrounding them, he could not help but feel amazed.

They just found it completely unbelievable that such a topography could be found in a mountain range.

They flew around for about half an hour.

All of a sudden, they spotted several white lights glimmering amidst the boundless black sandy desert in front of them in spite of being under a gloomy sky.

'What are those glimmering things?'

Austin thought, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Austin immediately used his spiritual sense to get a better look at the area.

Upon using his spiritual sense, Austin found that the white glimmers were actually human skeletons that had been covered by the black sand. The reason why they could see them from so far was because there were so many of them that they were so densely distributed.

Naturally, Austin could not help but wonder why so many people had died in that sandy dune region.

As Austin continued flying over the region, he could not help but frown at the sight of the scattered skeletons.

After a while, it dawned on him that there must have been huge danger lurking under the seemingly calm black dune desert region.

"Be careful, everybody.

I have a feeling that this black desert is very dangerous,"

Austin said to his companions.

But they did not need Austin's reminder. Even they could feel how dangerous the place was.

Still, they continued to move forward.

Another half a day went by.

Still above the boundless black dune, they continued flying with Austin in the lead.

All of a sudden, Austin felt an imminent sense of danger.

Without missing a beat, he hurriedly launched his spiritual sense to get grip of the situation on the ground.


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