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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1054

He stopped all of a sudden as an idea struck him.

'The Oracle Sect seemed to be a large excellent sect of martial arts. Maybe there are some valuable items still left in here?' Austin considered. The sudden thought made him almost exhilarated.

The Oracle Sect seemed to have been annihilated by the demon race in a terrible fight.

Judging from the debris of bones scattering everywhere, Austin thought that no one from the Oracle Sect must have survived the onslaught of the demons.

Had there any Oracle Sect members survived from the attack, they would have possibly cleaned up the battlefield to bury their elders and peers. But nothing was left but chaos in this place. It only meant that every single one died in that brutal battle.

If all the people from the Oracle Sect had died in the fight, was there any possibility that something precious in this sect would still be kept where they were as nobody would go and take it?

Usually, every sect would separate some places to store treasures, secret books of martial arts, and excellent weapons in its possession.

Austin considered if the Oracle Sect must have left those valuable possessions in their storerooms. It would be a great fortune if he found and acquired them!

Austin's heart throbbed faster when he thought of this. He felt both determined and excited to find them if ever they were around.

Besides, he had the best helper with him! In terms of treasure hunting, the gnome was always the best partner to rely on.

Austin summoned the gnome by murmuring something through his spiritual sense.

As soon as he finished, he saw the gnome and Violet flash out from the Illusion Bead.

In an attempt to get more helpers, Austin even summoned Emma, Debby, Fanny and her grandpa out from the City as well.

He gave them an overview of everything he inferred from this place. After doing so, he told them the plans he was intending to carry out.

Upon hearing what Austin had said, everyone seemed surprised and curious about this strange relics.

Despite everyone's excitement, none of them seemed to be familiar with the Oracle Sect.

Even Fanny's grandpa, the eldest and the most experienced man in their team, knew nothing about this mysterious sect.

"All right, everybody. Let's disperse to do our jobs.

Try to find anything useful and remarkable," Austin ordered.

He seemed to be in high spirits for he was expectant for some positive results.

Everyone looked excited for the assignment as well. They all headed their own way and immediately dispersed. With the aid of their bodily movement skill, the gnome and Violet vanished in their directions first.

Austin was too excited to even take a short rest for this task. Instead of moving like his companions did, he initiated his spiritual sense to comb through the relics of the Oracle Sect inch by inch first, trying to get a better view of this place.

Suddenly, he felt something very strange.

His face darkened and he prepared himself for the worst for he was sure that this was not a good sign.

"What is this strong evil aura?"


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