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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1056

"Squeak, squeak..."

A loud sound came from the four or five-meter tall demon skeleton as it began to shake violently.

Austin was both shocked and scared when he heard the creepy noise. He had a strong sense of foreboding that something terrible was about to happen.

The next very moment, he spotted the skeleton moving forward.

Surprised, Austin blinked rapidly. His eyes widened when he noticed that the skeleton was heading for him.

'Damn! What is happening?'

Austin swore in his mind. His heart thudded wildly as he was now even more terrified than before.

He didn't have the slightest clue why this skeleton was heading for him.

Just then, Austin caught sight of something through a quick sidelong glance.

He saw specks of blood on the skeleton. As he studied the skeleton more thoroughly, Austin noticed that the skeleton's skull was covered with blood.

What was more gruesome was that the skeleton was absorbing the drops of blood slowly.

At the sight, Austin realized why the skeleton had somehow come alive.

A moment ago, he had felt a powerful pressure squeezing his right arm hard. As a result, a gaping wound on his arm began spraying blood, which then dripped on the skeleton!

'Could it be that my blood enabled the skeleton to move?'

At the thought, a tinge of fear coursed through Austin.

'Oh, my god! This is definitely an omen of disaster. I have to flee, or else the consequences will be horrible!' Upon the thought, Austin sought escape routes.

"Come on! Come on!" Austin muttered to himself anxiously.

He desperately released all the vital energy inside his body, in the hope that it would protect him.

Austin couldn't run because of the intense pressure the skeleton exuded. He took several painfully slow steps away from the square.

What was more, the dense and strong pressure in the center of the square prevented him from flying away.

Only when he left the center of the square could Austin use his flying skill again.

However, just as he was walking out of the square as fast as he could, he heard loud and quick footsteps from behind.

'Gosh! What is happening now?' His heart began to race faster.

Austin released his spiritual sense to detect what was happening behind him.

He found that the skeleton was following him. Yet, it walked faster than him.

Somehow, Austin had the feeling that the skeleton was chasing him and that once it caught him, it would not let him go that easily.

Never had he been in a situation like this. Now, he was overwhelmed by the tremendous fear he felt.

A chill ran through him, covering his body in goose bumps.

"No way! How could this happen?

If this skeleton catches me, I am doomed!" he surmised.

Driven by the urgency of the situation, Austin desperately accelerated his walking speed.

Even though he was walking as quickly as he could, Austin knew that sooner or later, the skeleton would catch him since it was faster than him.

Then, a few seconds later, he screamed, "No!"

Austin, who had always been a brave and strong-minded young man, couldn't help but scream at this critical moment.

Through his spiritual sense force, Austin found that the skeleton had turned itself into a stream of black light, which leaped into the air and dashed straight toward his back.

The situation had turned from urgent to critical in the blink of an eye.

Austin knew he should dodge it, but he also knew that he couldn't. It was too late.

He heard a loud whoosh sound as the black light neared. In the next instant, the black light reached him.

As the black light penetrated Austin's back, an unbearable pain coursed through him.


Austin couldn't help but cry out painfully.

But that was not the end of his torment. The skeleton didn't leave him. Instead, it crawled into his body. Apparently, it wanted to take control of his body.

The next moment, Austin felt the skeleton brutally and forcibly integrating itself into his body.

The bone-splitting pain, so sharp and unbearable, spread throughout every corner of his body.

Unable to bear it anymore, Austin fell to the ground and rolled around desperately.

Meanwhile, his painful cries replaced the eerie silence.

In no time, Austin felt as though the skeleton had gained control of the bones in his left leg.

After that, the bones of his right leg, left arm, right arm, torso, and even his head were under the skeleton's control.

The skeleton was so powerful that Austin could do nothing to stop the excruciating progress.

Finally, Austin felt that every bone in his body had integrated with the bones of the skeleton!

Austin was terrified.


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