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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1062

The demon king and others of the demon race stared at Austin with a puzzled look. They were wondering if his body had already been taken over by Tybalt.

Austin did not see it coming.

The question was raised by the demon king, and it put him in a dilemma.

Austin quickly decided to impersonate Tybalt. By doing so, he hoped he would not have to get into a fight with the demon race.

The demon king's power seemed formidable. And there were hundreds of demons on his side.

Austin knew that if he got into a battle with them, he would barely be able to escape, even if he used all his aces.


What are you all doing here?''

Austin clasped his hands behind his back and asked them in a cold tone.

''Tybalt the Great! Is that really you?''

the demon king asked once again, thrilled.

Somewhere in his thought, he was also depressed.

If the human in front of him was really the new body Tybalt had snatched, then he would never get the spiritual tree. He could not claim it, for it was already a personal item of Tybalt. The demon king did not dare to covet the spiritual tree any more.

''Tybalt the Great! It must be him! I can feel the powerful, evil aura that only the demon imperator can possess, ''

other demons also cheered.

''Tybalt the Great!'' They all called out in unison.

All at once, the large number of the demon race knelt down before Austin.

The rest of the demon race hesitated for a moment or so. Before long, they also knelt down.

They would rather convince themselves that the human standing before them was the real demon imperator.

They were afraid of the consequences if the demon imperator was pissed off by their rudeness. They knew that Tybalt the Great would get them executed if he felt insulted.

''All of you, arise first!

Tell me what happened, ''

Austin spoke in an apathetic yet authoritative tone.

Since Austin had obtained the allegiance of all his servants and had taken over the Heaven Pavilion Sect, he began to act more like a leader in many aspects.

Austin's affectations were quite convincing.

Looking at scene before his eyes, the gnome was confused. When did Austin become the demon imperator? How did he become this so-called Tybalt the Great?

''Your honor! The demon emperors of our Demon Abyss Realm have gathered all their energy and finally opened up a space pass to the Prime Martial World.

Now, our demon armies are swarming into the Prime Martial World through the teleportation array. Before long we shall declare war against the whole Prime Martial World.

Our unbeatable demon armies will trample upon them all and conquer the whole Prime Martial World!

Last time, we suffered a great loss when our demon armies tried to conquer the Prime Martial World. Many of our demon imperators and demon kings sacrificed their lives.

At the command of the demon emperors, we have come here to find the corpses of our kings and then bring them back to life again. They will be brought to life with the arcane spell of our tribe.

We did not expect your demonic spiritual soul to recover so soon. It is amazing that you were successful and snatched the body of this human.


A demon lord of the demon race came over and told Austin.

"'Oh, I see!"

Austin slowly was able to figure it out.

He realized that the demon race came to the Barren Mountain and plotted to revive their kings who had sacrificed their lives in the previous war between humans and demons.

'I see!''

Austin pretended to be calm and slightly nodded his head.

''Our headquarters are established at the Heaven Palace this time.

In our headquarters, there are several demon imperators.

Tybalt the Great! You will find the demon armies at the Heaven Palace. After our army is consolidated, we shall conquer the Prime Martial World together, ''

the demon lord added.

''The Heaven Palace headquarters?''

Austin was little confused. Then he immediately remembered that the information of the Heaven Palace headquarters was so clandestine that nobody knew its exact location.


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