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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1100

The demon lord was speechless. He was out of words to describe on how confused he was about Austin's real identity.

"I'll be the one to kill you today! Go to hell where you belong!"

Austin said coldly as he sprinted towards the demon lord's position.


Austin did not care on whatever power the demon lord used against him. He was focused on his goal as he dodged the demon lord's attack as swiftly as he could and went straight to him.

At this point, Austin had already absorbed so much demonic energy that defeating a demon lord was just a piece of cake for him.

Austin wasted no time and used his Body Invading Skill to absorb all of the energy of the demon lord as fast as he could.


And all of a sudden, Austin turned into a mass of black cloud and charged onto the next demon lord.

"What in the world is happening here?

He looks familiar to me. I think I have seen him before. Who the hell is he?"

the three warriors in the Tribulation Realm of the Southern Alliances said as they watched Austin's back. All of them were astounded and dumbfounded with what Austin was exhibiting. They all exchanged confused glances as they all wondered what was going on with Austin.

A few moments later, Austin had already again taken complete control over the body of another demon lord

in another position.

Austin then used his newly acquired Body Invading Skill once again to absorb all of energy that the demon lord possessed. He activated his skill and hurriedly engulfed all of the energy quickly, like a vampire sucking off blood from a dead human.

Meanwhile, Austin moved swiftly and quietly like a thief as he planned to launch a sneak attack near the Spring City. He then noticed that there were a lot of demon lords that lurked around the area. And without thinking twice, he activated his Body Invading Skill again to attack the demon lords and absorb all of their energy. And after two hours of battling the ferocious demon lords, he had absorbed the energy amounting to more than twenty demon lords' energy. Austin must have been really hungry for power to be able to do this in such a short period of time.

As Austin absorbed more and more of the demonic energy from the demon lords, the more change he felt. He began to feel that his body was full of pure and dense demonic energy. This massive absorption of energy made him more powerful than ever.

He was so powerful that he only needed to use a small portion of it to achieve massive damage. In line with this, his body was also covered with the purest evil aura.

He now resembled a powerful demon lord all thanks to the black evil aura that surrounded his body.

Austin was hungry for power. The more demon lords he killed, the less pressure there was for the Southern Alliances warriors to destroy their enemies.

The warriors in the Tribulation Realm of the Southern Alliances Army should be very thankful for Austin's current rage. The warriors could defeat demon lords if they put up some struggles. However, their skills were at the danger level whenever they fought demon lords for they were no match for them.

And now that Austin had almost hunted every single demon lord out there, all there was left was the demon generals and the demon soldiers.

This made the jobs of the Southern Alliances warriors easier for they could now easily defeat what was left of their enemies.

After the gruesome deaths of the demon lords, it was now up to the warriors of the Southern Alliances Army. Some of the warriors in the Tribulation Realm spared no time as they immediately began to chase the demon generals and the demon soldiers to decapitate them.

If it weren't for Austin's help, the Southern Alliances warriors would have already failed since the start of their battle. Now that Austin had weeded out the stronger ones, the warriors' strengths were now at par with the demon race.

During the whole time, the warriors of the Southern Alliances Army had no idea who Austin was. All they knew was that there was a strange and ultimately powerful man who was filled with dense evil aura and that this man had already killed lots of demon lords in the battle.

Aside from that, they were surprised to know that this man was also the legendary man who had fought against Elder Kerr and then took all people of the Veritable Demon Sect away.

Nobody knew his identity. There was no name to the man, only his legacy. Some warriors even guessed that this man might be a demon, but others rather disagreed at the thought and assumed that the man was a human warrior instead.

It wasn't until Austin's last and thirtieth demon lord that he got to experience some changes in his body again.

He felt that Erick was on his way back to the Spring City. Using his spiritual sense, he saw that Erick, a demon king, had turned into a beam of black light and was prepared to rush as fast as he could to the Spring City.

Austin's eyes widened as he was surprised and shocked at what he had sensed.

If his assumptions were true, then the Elder Kerr of the Sky Sect would have probably been dead by now.

Austin knew himself and his capabilities well. He knew that at this point, even if he absorbed a lot of demonic energy of the demon lords, he was still no match for Erick's skills and power.

Austin took a look around the Spring City once again. He then found out that many warriors of the Southern Alliances Army were still at war with the demon race and warriors of the Heaven Palace.

'That demon king... Erick is now on the way to the Spring City. If you don't want to die right now, run as soon as possible, '

Austin said to warriors of Southern Alliances Army that could receive the message sent via his spiritual sense.

Soon after, Austin flew way up in the sky by using his Thunderbolt Movement Skill and quickly made his way and landed in a secret valley. Upon his arrival, he then took out his mighty Dragon and Phoenix Chariot.


Time was of the essence, he thought, so he got into the Dragon and Phoenix Chariot and moved as quickly as possible.

Everything happened so fast. Luckily, the warriors of the Southern Alliances Army had already received Austin's message.

The warriors then used every skill they could think of so that they could escape where they were.


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