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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1107

The unexpected Mass Demons Array had caught everyone from the Heaven Pavilion Sect off guard. Still, they had no choice but to fight their enemies head-on. Fanny's grandpa immediately initiated the Eighteen Arhats Array, just as Austin had ordered.

Waves of ivory-white fog were generated in the sky above the emerald green eighteen peaks. They rumbled and rolled before condensing into eighteen soldiers in ancient fighting armor. As each of the soldiers was several thousand meters in height, they dwarfed the precipitous peaks beneath them.

Each held a spear, several hundred meters long, in its hand. In unison, the soldiers raised their arms and threw their spears at their target.

The first round of the battle started when the eighteen gigantic long spears were launched. The spears flew across the sky like eighteen ivory-white lightning flashes—their dazzling flames kindling the whole sky. They were aimed at the ten Mass Demons Arrays deployed by the demon race.

A thundering noise was heard in response to the spear attack.

The sound came from the direction of the ten Mass Demons Arrays. Then, ten demonic orbs of glaring black light gradually rose from the demon arrays.

The ten black demonic orbs were made of pure demonic energy. They surged into the sky and levitated there to block the eighteen gigantic spears of ivory-white light. The confronting force between them stopped both sides from advancing any further.

Each Mass Demons Array trembled dramatically as if all the demonic members in it were struggling under a massive mountain. They took in long breaths but felt as though it were hard to breathe out. Some demonic members started to vomit mouthful blood of different colors.

The pressure was so much that some demonic members were injured. Still, no one moved even an inch. They held on as the demonic energy orbs were confronting the gigantic spiritual spears.

The confrontation didn't last too long as the eighteen ivory-white spears started to disappear when their energy levels depleted.


"That's it? Is that all? Has the fight finished?"

"What a lame trick! I thought it was something formidable when it start attacking us, you know? I was so frightened! I shouldn't have been!"

The warriors from the demon race and Heaven Palace taunted with ecstasy and excitement as they had attained such an unexpected and easy victory.

They had felt fear at the sight of the ivory-white gigantic spears that were several meters long. They shuddered and tried their best to defend themselves and fight back.

They expected a fierce fight between the two sides, but the outcome was beyond their expectation as the ten Mass Demons Arrays had warded off the attack.

The demon king's face, however, darkened despite the excitement of his underlings.

He felt as though something was wrong—something that the less capable warriors had not sensed.

Although the ten Mass Demons Arrays had successfully defended against the attack from the eighteen gigantic spears, they had consumed almost all their energy.

Some demonic warriors had been injured in the first round of the combat. He was sure the second round of spiritual spear attack was on its way, and the third, the forth... If that was the case, how long could they manage to hold on? How many warriors would they still have even if they managed to survive the attacks?

"Hurry up! Everyone needs to reach the top of the mountain at full speed!

We must find the eye of their array and destroy it. That might help us to break their whole array."

The demon king transformed into black demonic light and flew toward the nearest peak.


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