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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1149

"It's you!

How dare you meddle in my affairs?"

The Black Demon Imperator flew into a rage when he saw the queen of the evil shadow race helping Austin.

"I told you not to touch him!"

said the queen firmly.

"Humph, you are just a bitch from the evil shadow race. You dare to threaten me?"

the Black Demon Imperator growled.

Boundless black evil aura flowed out of his body and turned into nine long black rivers. The rivers surged toward the queen from nine different directions.

The nine black rivers seemed to be carrying countless rotten bones that emitted the terrible smell of death and destruction. Anyone confronted by these rivers would have felt as though they were standing in the River Styx in Hades.

"If your real body were present here, I would feel a little fear. Your avatar doesn't intimidate me."

While hovering in mid-air, the queen took a step forward. Boundless gray evil energy flowed out of her curvy body and covered the queen in armor. At the moment, the queen emitted the aura of a valiant warrior.


The queen's way of fighting was straightforward but violent. As she released a punch, her little fist, which was wrapped in the gray armor, sent out terrible energy that smashed one of the black rivers to pieces.

Austin was stunned when he watched the queen fight. Every time Austin met the queen, she was always elegant and well-behaved, and carried a dignified air. And so, Austin did not expect that she could be so ruthless while fighting.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The queen, still encased in her gray armor, flew closer to the Black Demon Imperator and launched a series of attacks.

The actions of the queen and the Black Demon Imperator were so fast that they could not be seen clearly.

Austin had to release his spiritual sense to perceive the two figures.

From the center of the battlefield, a terrible force of destruction swept outward.

The region under the two figures that were fighting in mid-air had rolling hills, a broad river, and a large, dense forest.

In an instant, the terrible energy in the shock wave destroyed the hills, cut off the rivers, and turned the forests to dust. The whole area around the battle spot was destroyed completely.

When Austin looked at the destructive battle scene, he was surprised.

"You have annoyed me, you bitch!"

The Black Demon Imperator seemed to have no advantage over the queen. And so, he howled as his frustration mounted.

"You can be proud of yourself for compelling me to use the demon race's magic treasure!"

Then, from between the Black Demon Imperator's eyebrows, a Nine-tiered Demonic Tower surrounded by evil aura floated out.

In the blink of an eye, the tower grew to three hundred meters tall. It looked like a huge, iron monster. Before the queen could react, the tower flew toward her. Meanwhile, a series of eerie sounds were heard from the tower.

"Humph, do you think you are the only one with a magic treasure?"

Although the queen's body was covered in armor, it did little to hide her attractive figure. She looked just like the legendary goddess of beauty.

"Shadowy Moon Disc!"

As soon as the words left the queen's mouth, a gray disc engraved with mysterious symbols and shaped like a full moon flew out of her body. It radiated strange streaks of dazzling light. The disc, which spun at high speed, flew straight toward the tower.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of metal colliding, loud enough to shatter the earth, spread across the land.

At the same time, thousands of cracks appeared on the ground's surface a moment before it shuddered and sank deep into the earth.

"Well, now it has become a battle between magic treasures!"


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