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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1153

After about two hours, the queen finally finished cultivating.

The queen moved as quietly as a ghost. Austin only felt that a grey figure flew past him before she appeared beside him.

At that instant, she appeared to be much more powerful than before and could release more energy.

"Congratulations! You have made a breakthrough finally."

Austin was very happy to realize that fact.

Now, the queen had changed her clothes already.

Her skin was as white as milk. She looked nobler and purer, like a beautiful angel from the heavens with the aura of serenity all around her. Her dress was carried in the wind as if she was ready to fly away the next moment.

"Thank you for protecting and looking after me when I was cultivating."

The queen smiled gratefully.

"Well, I guess it is time to find the members of my evil shadow race. I pray that they have also made breakthroughs successfully," she added hopefully.

She was visibly worried about those warriors in the evil shadow race.

Therefore, she closed her eyes to detect where they were with the help of her energy.

After a while, she pointed and said, "They are in this direction."

She directed at the east. It was completely obvious that she knew an arcane spell to detect where they were.

After that, she and Austin rushed towards the east like a bolt of thunder.

They had flown for about one hour in the said direction. A smile appeared on the queen's angelic face.

"We are going to find them soon it seems."

By using his spiritual sense, Austin also felt that there were more than ten thousand warriors of the evil shadow race in a valley not very far away from them.

After several breaths, Austin and the queen arrived at the valley and landed on the ground.

"My queen! You are back! You are really back"

Those warriors were very excited to see her again and they ran to her to greet her.

"Ha-ha, it looks like you have all broken through."

The queen felt satisfied and triumphant after she had detected their booming energy.

Austin also felt that those warriors of the evil shadow race were being able to release more powerful energy than ever before.

It was obvious that most of them had broken through already.

"My queen, the evil energy of the Prime Martial World was much denser and stronger compared to the small alternate dimension that we lived in before. Therefore, we have improved our strength at a high speed this time,"

Priest Callum explained as he walked forward.

Austin knew that Priest Callum had also improved his strength. Evidently, he had made a breakthrough.

"Now that we can cultivate better in the Prime Martial World, we need to cultivate quickly in the future. We have wasted a lot of time in that small alternate dimension,"

the queen said in a solemn tone as she observed them.

"All right! We will do exactly what you have asked us to do,"

those warriors of the evil shadow race replied obediently at the same time.

It looked like the queen was in a considerably high position of the evil shadow race.

"My queen, when we fled from the Water City, innumerable warriors were hurt badly in the battle against the demon race.

Unfortunately, they have missed the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

Moreover, some warriors lost their lives in the battle."

All of a sudden, Priest Callum looked very morose.

Those warriors who came out of the small alternate dimension just now were dead in the Water City. They didn't have the chance to see this beautiful world anymore because they had been already slaughtered by the demon race.

Other warriors who survived in the battle couldn't help bursting into tears as they heard what Priest Callum had said.

"The demon race!"

the queen fumed. A fierce look flashed on her eyes.

"Priest, all of you now take a break in the valley.

I am going to end the demon race in the Water City. I will avenge for the fallen warriors of the evil shadow race,"

the queen declared coldly.


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