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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1157

"Who dared to kill our demon soldiers? Get the hell out!"

A furious roar suddenly resounded from outside the Austin Palace.

Upon using his spiritual sense to get a grip on what was happening, Austin found that the Austin Palace had actually been sieged by many demons led by three demon generals.

The moment Austin and the queen arrived at the imperial capital city, the queen immediately stormed to kill dozens of demon soldiers. Of course, this little crusade of hers startled all the demons in the city.

"Master, it's the demons. They have surrounded the Austin Palace!"

one guard hastily reported to Austin after having observed the external conditions for a while.

"Humph. Well, today is the day they meet their doom,"

Austin snorted. In that moment, his heart was overflowing with murderous intent.

The demon race had always disgusted him.

But now, they had finally crossed the line by invading the Violet Orchid Empire and killing his people. To top that off, Austin's two fiancees and friends were still missing because of them.

With that, Austin's burning hatred for the demon race had never been so strong. He just couldn't wait to kill them.


Austin drew his Slaughtering Sword at once and appeared at the gate of the Austin Palace in a blink of an eye.

The queen merely followed suit and stood beside him.

"Your Majesty, there they are! They are the ones that killed our soldiers!"

Many demon soldiers screamed the moment Austin and the queen appeared.

"Go and get the two assholes! I will have them intermittently tortured until they die a miserable death!"

one of the three demon generals commanded to the demon soldiers with a wave of his hand. On his face were a vicious expression and ice-cold eyes.

Without missing a beat, a dozen or so demons rushed towards Austin and the queen at once.

In that moment, the murderous intent in Austin's heart intensified even more. Finally, Austin ran out of patience and burst out in a violent roar.

"You damn beasts, go to hell where you belong!"

At once, he raised his Slaughtering Sword and the murderous intent streamed out from it like a mighty river.

The area where Austin stood became engulfed in a scarlet dazzling light coming from both the sword and himself.

Originally, the Slaughtering Sword already contained murderous intent. However, combined with Austin's wrathful mood, its momentum became even more striking.

Austin immediately realized that with his current mental state, the power of the Slaughtering Sword became much stronger than it normally was.

He finally understood the operation principle of the Slaughtering Sword. To be more specific, in order to make the sword able to kill people, its sword potential had to be driven by murderous intent. In other words, the vital energy at high level was not the only thing required for the Slaughtering Sword to unleash its full formidable force -- It was also important for the murderous intent inside him to be intense.


Several rays of the sanguineous sword aura sped along the air as they were filled up with overwhelming murderous intent.

At once, the demons felt like they had descended into a boundless hell-like place.

Moments later, all of the demons' bodies had been blown to bits one after the other.

With the help of the violent murderous intent in Austin's mind, a dozen rays of the sanguineous sword aura were able to kill all of the demons around the Austin palace, including the three demon generals, before they even realized what was happening.


The guards, servants, and handmaids that were standing behind Austin were all dumbstruck with astonishment.

After a few moments of stunned silence, they started shouting loud exclamations of delight.

"Master, you are really awesome!"


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