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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1165

"What do you think you're doing? Our disciples just finished their jobs for the Ghost Puppet Sect. Why did you attack them? It's none of your business!"

The unexpected change enraged Elder Ken from the Ghost Puppet Sect. He furiously scolded the person who had launched the surprise attack against his disciples.

Everyone turned to look at the old man, wearing a cyan robe, who appeared in the spot all of a sudden out of nowhere. It was he who had attacked the Ghost Puppet Sect disciples and stopped them from taking any action against Evan and Herbert.

Someone in the crowd recognized him. He was an ordinary elder of the Sky Sect.

Footsteps were heard when the elder from the Sky Sect appeared in front of everybody. The very next moment a group of Sky Sect disciples appeared. They ran towards Evan and Herbert and encircled them.

"Relax, Elder Ken.

I have no intention of meddling with the internal matters of the Ghost Puppet Sect. But the two lads in front of you are very dear to Austin. We must take them with us.

You know Austin has killed many of our disciples. The hatred between him and the Sky Sect can never be obliterated unless one side gives up. Do us a favor, Elder Ken! Just hand them over to us!"

the elder said to Elder Ken with a smiling face. He cupped his hands together in front of his chest as a show of respect.

"Nonsense! Austin killed many Ghost Puppet Sect disciples as well! We're trying to find that bastard with every ounce of our breath. We're willing to use every tool within our power to do so. Hand over that bastard's friends to you? Impossible! They'll go with us!"

Elder Ken argued angrily, unwilling to yield.

"Am I too late? Did I miss something interesting? You two elders are indeed wise and agile." A woman's voice giggled at this moment.

She immediately continued and did not give a chance to anybody to interrupt her. "Although you came here before me, you'll return disappointed, as no one can take the New Moon Sect's quarry away!"

A middle-aged woman followed by a group of beautiful female warriors came to everyone's view. Compared to her female young disciples behind her, she still looked full and sexy. She had an air of mystery around her that only a mature woman would possess.

"They must go with us. We'll take them back to the Magic Hand Sect!"

"That is the funniest joke I've heard under the sky. Ask the Veritable Demon Sect before you make that decision!"

"Stop talking bullshit! No one can take the two guys without the permission of the Jiang Family. We're interested in them!"

"The two men have everything to do with the Kong Family. They'll go with us!"

"The Song Family is interested in them..."

"What about us? Do you think the Chen Family can be simply ignored when you want to take away someone we're eager to capture?"

The street where Evan and Herbert were kept surged with a crowd of people in just a blink of an eye. The five renowned sects, four honorable families and other major sects in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom had all rushed there for a single purpose.

The Heavy Earth City was one of the most important cities in the northern part of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom. As a result, almost every sect had set up a branch in it.

Having heard of the news about Austin, all sects had dispatched their disciples here. No sect was willing to be left behind in the search of Austin's whereabouts.

Each sect branch in the Heavy Earth City had relayed this information about Austin back to their respective headquarters as soon as they received it.

Subsequently, senior warriors with excellent martial arts skills were sent to the Heavy Earth City by each sect to command the events that were to transpire.

Almost all the sects had gathered here just for one person only! This was indeed a reflective piece of evidence about how influential Austin was.

"Oh, my god! All of them seem to be pissed with Austin. Or is this just my illusion, Evan?

What the hell did Tin do in the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom during his stay here? How could he possibly make so many enemies for himself?"

"These people seem to be strong and powerful. All of them seem like capable warriors!

But I have faith in Tin. He is the best warrior I have ever seen in my life. No one can be credible threat to him, no matter where he is!"

The warriors argued and fought in an attempt to establish that they were determined to take the two friends of Austin's away. In spite of all the chaos, Evan and Herbert were able to guess and conclude some things about this whole situation from their arguments.

They seemed to be true enemies of Austin. They harbored so much hatred against him that they all wanted to drink his blood and eat his flesh!

The argument intensified as time went by and everybody felt more and more enraged for the other's tough attitude. No one was willing to yield way to the other in the argument. They were even at the brink of solving this matter by using force. The whole place had turned into a boiling pot of confusion and chaos.

During the time when Evan and Herbert were in the middle of this angry mob, Austin was headed towards the northern parts of the Heavenly Dragon Holy Kingdom.

The Dragon and Phoenix Chariot fleeted across the sky at a steadily increasing pace.

Austin and the queen sat on it comfortably as the chariot flew steadily.

Austin kept silent all the way as he was engaged in driving the chariot. He summoned a chock of divine vital energy crystal to refuel the Dragon and Phoenix Chariot from time to time.

Austin's face was a picture of calmness and composure, but the queen was fully aware how anxious he truly was in his heart.

"Don't worry, Austin. We have gotten information about their whereabouts. We'll find them soon." Austin heard a sweet voice say from behind his ear.


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