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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1173

The weapons and books about martial arts were attractive for warriors.

Therefore, every warrior in the palace could not wait to move their bodies and attack Austin at once. They were all afraid of missing the chance to get the treasures that Austin possessed. If they were too slow, then other warriors would get to the treasures.

Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, all warriors activated their vital energy force to attack Austin at the same time, making the whole palace shake so violently as if a severe earthquake was taking place.

"Ha-ha. You are all so hypocritical and shameless. You say you want to kill me for justice, but all you really want is my treasures. You people are so disgusting!"

Austin laughed loudly. Then, he raised his Slaughtering Sword as he filled it up with his vital energy.


At once, the Slaughtering Sword released intense killing intent that immediately filled up the entirety of the palace. Afterwards, not a single spot in the palace was free of a blood-red mist.

Even Austin himself was engulfed in the blood-red mist. Then, he released the strong energy that he had been building up. In that moment, it seemed as if he was going to kill everyone in the palace in just a few seconds.

Boom! Boom!

Austin wielded two or three strong blood-red sword auras at the same time.

Austin's sword auras were able to resist all the attacks from the other warriors' vital energy force.

"Oh, no! Apparently, Austin's cultivation base is actually in the Tribulation Realm. That means that he could use the archaic weapons."

"What? I thought Austin's cultivation base was only in the Master Realm? Now you're telling me that his cultivation base has actually reached the Tribulation Realm? How could that be?"

As soon as Austin activated the Slaughtering Sword, all people in the palace were stunned. They had severely underestimated Austin's abilities.

"Be careful! It won't be easy to kill him now that he has activated the archaic weapon!"

the warriors warned each other.

"He might have been able to activate the archaic weapon, but the archaic weapon consumes a lot of vital energy.

Trust me, he isn't able to use it for a long time,"

someone muttered coldly.

"Ha-ha, you think you can exhaust my vital energy? I'd like to see you try!"

Austin laughed more loudly after he heard what they had said. Without wasting a moment, he moved his body and waved his Slaughtering Sword to give off even more powerful red sword auras.

The power of the archaic weapons was indeed astonishing and powerful especially since Austin had reached the Tribulation Realm.

Now, Austin could utilize the Slaughtering Sword using his vital energy. The blood-red sword aura from his Slaughtering Sword now was ten times more powerful than it was when his cultivation base was still in the Astral Realm.

Austin had experienced three stages.

In the beginning, the blood-red killing aura invaded Austin's Soul Sea every time he used the Slaughtering Sword.

In fact, when he used the Slaughtering Sword for the first time, the blood-red killing intent became too much for his spiritual soul to handle that he lost consciousness for about three days.

Fortunately, ever since Austin's spiritual soul combined with the spiritual tree, the spiritual tree had always protected his spiritual soul in time whenever he was in danger.

In the second stage, when Austin's cultivation base improved and broke through to the Astral Realm, he gained the ability to use the Slaughtering Sword without having to worry about the blood-red killing aura.

In the third stage, when he reached the preliminary stage of Tribulation Realm, he became able to activate the Slaughtering Sword without much effort.

Finally, after that, he even gained the ability to activate the secret hidden power of the Slaughtering Sword by using the vital energy.

The archaic weapon was a special magic treasure. Thus, if you wanted to activate its full power, your cultivation base should have at least reached the Tribulation Realm.

Now, Austin was finally able to meet the requirement.


All of a sudden, the whole palace was filled with the raging murderous will.

Inside the palace, warriors from all great sects cooperated with each other and attacked Austin together when they realized that Austin's cultivation base was actually in the Tribulation Realm, and he even had the ability to use the archaic weapon.

They were all well aware of how powerful the archaic weapon was. The amount of power that came from a warrior at the Tribulation Realm using an archaic weapon was so strong that even warriors at the Heaven Realm could not resist that kind of attack.



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