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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1201

"Speaking of the Spiritual Flames, you know that powerful ancient masters once stood at the world's peak. After they passed, the essence of their spiritual sense force did not vanish. Under certain circumstances, the essence of such forces could be transformed into Spiritual Flames and preserved.

So, a Spiritual Flame is the energy contained in a spiritual soul.

Just think about it. These ancient masters must have had extremely powerful spiritual senses. The essence of the spiritual energy left by them must be equally destructive,"

the queen explained to Austin.

Since she had spoken plainly, the queen's logic was easily understood.

Austin now knew why the Unearthly Fires released by him could not suppress the Spiritual Flame.

Before long, the space around Austin was filled by the immense Spiritual Flame.

As the Spiritual Flame grew stronger, ambient temperatures rose significantly. The pitch-black flame now besieged Austin and the queen.

Austin and the queen could not be in a worse situation.

Surrounded by the mysterious colorful lights released by the confining array, they could not move.

Meanwhile, the Spiritual Flame ruthlessly burned their bodies.

Considering that the Scorching Evil Fire and Dark Bone Gloomy Fire could not shield them from the Spiritual Flame as it was made from spiritual energy, Austin and the queen had run out of options. They could do nothing more except watch the Spiritual Flame burn their bodies.

As the blue smoke generated from the Spiritual Flame continued to heat the space around them, Austin and the queen felt as though they were trapped in a hot oven. Pain coursed through them as the Spiritual Flame burned their bodies.

A few minutes later, Austin and the queen found that the fire was slowly consuming their clothes.

Since clothes were more prone to combustion as compared to flesh and bones, within a few seconds, all their clothes had turned to ashes.

Austin and the queen were both stark naked now.


Since everything had happened so suddenly and unexpectedly, Austin and the queen hadn't been able to think about how they were going to fix this embarrassing situation.

What added to the awkwardness was that neither of them could move even a little bit.

Austin also flushed with shame the moment his clothes disappeared.

It was not over yet. The pitch-black fire released by the Spiritual Flame continued to burn their flesh, hair, and skin.

'I have defeated countless enemies. How can I accept death by a stupid flame?'

Austin had always been indomitable and brave. And yet, at this moment, he felt only despair.

"Alas! It is all my fault.

If I had not asked you to investigate this portal with me, we would not find ourselves in this situation."

The queen sighed as guilt coursed through her.

"You shouldn't blame yourself for that. Regardless of your request, my curiosity would have driven me to explore the portal."

Although Austin was despondent, he tried to console the queen.

Heaven never seals off all exits, though.

Austin noticed that when the Spiritual Flame burned his body, it also seemed to seep into his Soul Sea.

The Spiritual Flame was trying to incinerate Austin's spiritual soul as well!

A theory flashed through Austin's mind. Could it be that the Spiritual Flame was able to reach his Soul Sea because energy from a spiritual soul formed the flame?

If that was the case, then perhaps he could command the spiritual tree to refine and absorb the Spiritual Flame. Austin thought it was worth a try.

Without hesitating any further, Austin used his spiritual energy to communicate with the spiritual tree.

The spiritual tree replied instantly.

"Shoop! Shoop! Shoop!"

Attracted to the spiritual energy, the leaves left the spiritual tree and attacked the Spiritual Flame. Although not attached to the tree, the leaves could generate a kind of refining energy to refine the Spiritual Flame.

The Spiritual Flame in Austin's Soul Sea was quickly refined and absorbed.

It worked!

The joy of survival after a near-disaster flooded Austin.

Just a few moments ago, Austin had felt hopeless at the thought of being burned to ashes.


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