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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1204

This underground palace was built on the two natural vessels of energy. One of the two was the brighter natural vessel of energy that was related to the spiritual energy. The other was the dark natural vessel of energy implied the evil energy.

The spiritual energy rose from the bright natural vessel of energy and penetrated through the Sun Hall of the underground palace and then spread all over into the White Well on the ground. It was a vibrant display of energy.

The evil energy emerged from the dark natural vessel of energy and penetrated the Moon Hall of the underground palace and then sprung into the Black Well on the ground all over.

Both the Black Well and the White Well were located in the home base of the Polarity Sect. And the origin stories were as those said.

After they discovered the Moon Hall and the Sun Hall, Austin connected with the queen and gave detailed accounts about the situation they faced there. So they decided the queen should cultivate in the Moon Hall.

Meanwhile Austin re-entered the Great Hall that they had passed through just now. He engaged himself in the desperate search of the solution to break through the cast of the arrays that were formed in this Great Hall. These arrays were formed to protect and hide the exit from intruders. But Austin needed to know the way to leave.

The only way to exit this underground palace was to find that gate that led outside.

Otherwise they would be trapped forever and ever. They definitely did not want to be stuck inside for the rest of their lives.

Austin stood in the Great Hall concentrating and unleashed his spiritual sense to detect the situation of those arrays to his best capabilities. But after a while, nothing more than the existence of several arrays in the Great Hall was detected by his spiritual sense. He did not have any other clue. It was frustrating.

The arrays formed in the Great Hall evidently belonged to a very high rank. And Austin's current level of cultivation base was not high enough to match up to the nature of these arrays. This left him to stick in helpless.

Fanny's grandpa, the array expert was accompanying Austin in the City model. So, Austin transmitted the grandpa from the City model and stated the situation to him. He let the grandpa know in details the condition they were stuck in and the powerful arrays he was trying to figure out.

Fanny's grandpa stood in the Great Hall. A grave look shadowed his old face after he sensed for a minute to the arrays in the Great Hall. It was indeed a complicated situation.

Then, for a long time after surveying the different corners and places of the Great Hall he remained absolutely silent. That was when he tried to figure out the nature of those arrays.

"There are five arrays in this Great Hall in total. Among them, two are insidious arrays. Another two are aggressive arrays. And one is a defensive array.

I am extremely confused by these five absurdly complicated arrays. I can't even decide which rank they belong to. Let alone to find a way to break through. This is by far one of the most difficult situations I have dealt with.

These five arrays have resisted breakthroughs for a long span of time now. Yet, they have not been annihilated and still are displaying outstanding performance. They have not depleted even one bit surprisingly.

Those arrays which created by ancient experts are indeed extraordinary and massively complicated. They are a whole new dimension of understanding.

I have absolutely no idea as to how one can break through the cast of arrays in this level."

Finally, Fanny's grandpa sighed helplessly and morbidly.

Austin had expected highly that Fanny's grandpa would be able to fix it no matter how complicated a task it was. But when he heard what grandpa concluded above, he felt perturbed. He could not figure out what to do.


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