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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1206

Austin chose to sit in a corner of the Sun Hall that concealed him well from everybody's view.

Then, he took half of the bottled Refined Vital Energy Liquid and immediately felt the immense force of a surging energy in his energy meridians. It rolled like raging rivers and ran ubiquitously in every vessel of his energy meridian.

The effect of the Refined Vital Energy Liquid was dramatically stunning!

Subsequently, Austin also initiated the Golden Sun Scripture to fill his energy meridians with the immense vital energy of soft gold light.

At the same time, while all of this was happening, a tiny golden ball emerged from inside Austin's elixir field. This was a sign of his current progress in practicing the Golden Sun Scripture. It slipped upwards and suspended itself above its master's head.

The tiny spot gave off countless rays of brilliant light and began to absorb the spiritual energy in the Sun Hall without stopping. Meanwhile, the spiritual energies in the area all drifted towards the direction of the golden ball. It was as if they were seawater flowing into the open mouth of a whale.

The Sun Hall was immensely spacious and enormous in size. So even though it was filled with tens of thousands of people, it still did not seem crowded. The warriors were able to go as they pleased anywhere in the hall without worrying about having no space for their movements.

All of the other people in the hall also started to practice in full concentration as well. As warriors, they understood that the last thing a warrior wanted to experience was to be bothered while he was practicing his martial arts. So all of them kept quiet and remained motionless as they sat.

Soon, the whole area had sunk into sheer silence as everyone became focused on their own practice. No one even dared to speak or interrupt anyone else's practice.

As time went by, the spiritual energy in the hall became more and more depleted as the warriors consumed more of it with every passing minute.

However, fresh spiritual energy kept on coming in vast amounts from the floor of the Sun Hall, and the energy that the warriors were consuming was always being replaced. Thus, despite the overwhelming amount of spiritual energy that the warriors were absorbing, the hall still remained full of energy.

Apparently, the natural vessel of energy under the Sun Hall had an astonishing amount of spiritual energy.

So it was impossible to use up all of the spiritual energy in the natural vessel of energy in just a short time even if tens of thousands of people practiced in the area at the same time.

This went on for an entire day.

Meanwhile, the ball of golden light above Austin's head started expanding as it absorbed more and more spiritual energy. This meant that Austin had entered into the second stage of his practice of the Golden Sun Scripture.

By now, it was not just a small spot, but a huge ball of golden light that was nearly two meters in diameter.

Austin understood that once the ball of golden light, which stood for his practice of the second stage of the Golden Sun Scripture, had expanded to the size of a house, then his practice of that particular process would be successfully finished very soon.

Time ticked away one second after the other, and soon, another day had passed by.

Even after all that time, the entire hall was still engulfed in silence as all of the warriors were still fervently absorbed in improving the energies in their bodies.

Even though another day had passed by, the spiritual energy in the hall had actually become even thicker as compared to the days before. This was because more and more energy was being sprung ceaselessly from the cracks on the floor.

This peculiar happening stunned Austin to the extreme.

It seemed that the spiritual energy in the natural vessel of energy under the hall was inexhaustible!

It had now been three days since all of the warriors began to practice their own martial arts.

In general, things merely went on as they did in the two previous days.

The only difference was that the vital energy forces around some of the warriors began fluctuating in an increasingly wild manner—a difference that Austin was able to spot clearly.

That was a piece of good evidence that, thanks to the immense pure spiritual energy in the Sun Hall, a vast majority of the warriors in the area had now improved their cultivation base and reached a higher level after practicing for the past three days.

In fact, some warriors were even able to make a breakthrough.

It was in this way that they welcomed the fourth day.

The golden ball above Austin's head was getting larger and larger. By now, it was almost three meters in diameter.

A kind of vital energy with a soft golden color ran wildly in his energy meridians. It pounded onto every cell of his body with brute force.

In that moment, Austin felt his breakthrough coming along, and with every passing moment, the feeling became stronger and stronger.

A few warriors welcomed their own breakthrough as well.

Several vital energy force vibrations of different levels were felt all throughout the area.

Some of the warriors looked extremely excited and elated—making it immediately apparent that they must have been able to achieve what they had been aspiring for a long time.

Because of the thick spiritual energy in the Sun Hall, it was much easier for the warriors to achieve the breakthroughs that they had long dreamed of achieving but were just too hard to achieve during ordinary days.

However, while all of the warriors in the Sun Hall were celebrating their own successes, the Polarity Sect was experiencing something really upsetting at the same time.

It all took place in the headquarters of the Polarity Sect.


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