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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1213

While impersonating Elder Abelard of the Magic Hand Sect, Austin gained a general understanding of the situation of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Obviously, the defense of the Heavenly Emperor City was very tight, and there were many powerful cultivators inside it.

But more than that, Austin got some news.

Apparently, the most heavily guarded place in the whole Heavenly Emperor City was the prison.

There were at least six masters of the Primal Holy Realm who were guarding the prison of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Moreover, there were many arrays arranged in the prison.

Since the prison had such a strong defensive force, it was rather difficult for a person to break into it to save the prisoners inside.

Austin knew that the only way for him to rescue his friends was to outwit his enemies instead of using violence against them.

After racking his brains for ideas, Austin finally came up with a way for him to save his friends!

It occurred to him that among the six masters in the prison of the Heavenly Emperor City, one belonged to the Magic Hand Sect.

Austin decided to pretend to be him in order to sneak into the prison.

The problem was that the five masters of the Primal Holy Realm who also stood guard in the prison would not leave the prison under any normal circumstance.

Therefore, before anything else, he had to find a way to lure the master of the Magic Hand Sect out of the prison.

Before he carried out his plan, Austin first came back to Elder Abelard's secret chamber.

"I hope my plan will work,"

Austin said to himself.

Then, he rubbed the Space Ring.

And a small strange-looking tree appeared in front of him.

The small tree was three feet in height with branches and leaves that were all crystal clear. It was as if they were polished from crystal itself. Because of that, the whole tree looked transparent, making it quite pleasing to look at.

All sorts of mysterious aura emanated from the small tree.

Austin obtained the small tree when he was in the cave of the three-headed ghostly python in the small alternate dimension.

Austin had no idea what the origin of the small tree actually was.

However, he was quite sure that it was a rare and precious natural treasure.

Treasures like that had an absolutely fatal attraction to cultivators.

With that in mind, Austin decided to use the small tree to lure out the master of the Magic Hand Sect who was serving as a guardian of the prison of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Austin took out a Contact Jade Slip and imprinted the shape of the small tree onto it.

Afterwards, Austin walked out of Elder Abelard's secret chamber.

"You give this Contact Jade Slip to Elder Tad."

Austin handed over the Contact Jade Slip to one of the disciples of the Magic Hand Sect and sent him away.

Elder Abelard was the person in charge of that stronghold of the Magic Hand Sect. Thus, since the disciple knew that the order came from Elder Abelard, he did not dare to snub it.

Just as Austin had predicted, the disciple immediately took the Contact Jade Slip and headed for the prison of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Elder Tad, the person Austin told the disciple to give the Contact Jade Slip to, was none other than the master of the Magic Hand Sect who was in charge of guarding the prison of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Austin, on the other hand, left the Heavenly Emperor City and headed for the northeastern part of the city.

About half an hour later, Austin reached a towering mountain range about 30 miles northeast of the Heavenly Emperor City.

Upon getting there, Austin immediately landed on one of the mountain range's peaks.

Then, he silently waited for the arrival of Elder Tad.

Austin knew that Elder Tad would come as fast as he could as soon as he received the Contact Jade Slip.

"Austin, the queen seems to be showing signs of waking up from her cultivation."

In that moment, Austin received a voice message through his spiritual sense all of a sudden.

Austin immediately knew that the voice message was sent by the old priest of the evil shadow race.

Overcome with joy, Austin hastily sent himself into the City and appeared right beside the queen.

The old priest and dozens of masters of the evil shadow race were standing around the gray cocoon to protect the queen from any possible danger.

Sure enough, the gray cocoon that was wrapped around the queen was shining, and the howling evil energy around it was like a tsunami that was circling it crazily.

At the same time, a powerful coercive energy that could not be described using any word faintly emanated from the gray cocoon.

Boom, boom, boom.

Then, a subtle but rhythmic noise started to be heard from the gray cocoon.

The moment Austin heard this rhythmic sound while he was standing beside the gray cocoon, he felt his heart involuntarily beat to the rhythm of the sound.

At the same time, the blood inside his entire body suddenly started boiling.

Austin could not help but feel surprised.

The energy coming from the cocoon was so immensely powerful!

In that moment, Austin was dumbstruck with amazement.


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