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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1220

There was a great disparity in number as well as in strength. Thus, in more ways than one, it truly seemed that Austin had met his end that day.

However, in spite of being surrounded by such a malicious crowd and facing twelve Primal Holy Realm masters, Austin still remained peculiarly confident, and even quite serene. His vital energy was already in his Slaughtering Sword, making it apparent that he was ready to kill and slaughter anyone who went against him.

"Everybody just calm down! Listen to me before it's too late!" yelled the very old man.

The old man put a stop to the uproar of the crowd. Austin, like everyone else, turned his attention to the old man, and, for the first time, he noticed that while the old man was only dressed in a simple but solemn gray robe, it seemed that this man was the man in charge of the place.

Even though he looked weak and incompetent, the old man made himself heard by adding vital energy force to his voice. However, this also made his voice sound unnatural -- it sounded more like thunder than a human's voice.

Austin fixed his gaze upon this old man who seemed to enjoy high prestige and command universal respect in the kingdom and waited to hear what else the old man had to say.

As soon as the respected and revered old man spoke up, the crowd quieted down.

"Austin, listen to me. Neither I nor my people meant to cause you any harm. So now that you have already rescued your friends from us, maybe it's time for you to release our people as well. What do you say?"

We don't want to ask anything to offset the damage, but these people -- they are our families and friends. We must get them back or our people will eat us alive.

Please release the hostages before things get even more out of control."

The old man's voice was deep and sincere.

"Don't play that card on me. I don't like it when you make me out to be the villain," said Austin so angrily that he almost laughed.

"You are such a hypocritical old fart, aren't you?

Your families and friends? You say it like they were weak women and children! No, the men I took away are all fierce and bloodthirsty warriors! I defeated them so I keep them as my captives. What is so wrong about that? I never did anything to harm them. I feed them. I keep them safe. Meanwhile, what have you and your so-called respectable families and reversed sects done to my two friends? Not only are they covered in cuts and bruises, but you have also deprived them of them cultivation base that they worked so hard for forever.

Do you think I am here to discuss and talk things through with you? If that's the case, then you're so wrong.

By now, we are long past the discussing and talking stage.

I came here for blood -- an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I'll get you back for what you did to my friends," said Austin solemnly.

Then he burst out into a big laugh. The expression on his face was so creepy that the crowd got chills.

"Now tell me who did this to my friends. I am not going to ask again. Who is he?!"

Austin's eyes were sharp as a knife as he swept the crowd with his gaze.

"How dare you give us threats, you little shit? You are a dead man!" shouted a humiliated man from the crowd in fury.


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