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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1226

A shrill scream resounded all around them as

another Primal Holy Realm master at the medium stage died at the hands of Priest Callum.

Thanks to his body movement skill which gave him the ability to be transparent, Priest Callum could slay any common Primal Holy Realm cultivators with ease.

Austin activated the Spiritual Sense Incinerating Skill to attack a Primal Holy Realm master at the preliminary stage. He then used the Five Spatial Blades technique to hit his enemy.

The master moved around to dodge the blades while still keeping a handle on the white flames in his Soul Sea.

However, the blades moved so rapidly that he didn't react in time, and his right arm was cut off. It dropped to the ground with a muffled thud, and the master let out a surprised and pained yelp.

The rest Primal Holy Realm cultivators who hadn't gotten injured were frustrated with this sequence of events.

They found it hard to believe that half of their companions sustained severe injuries or got killed.

After all, they were at the Primal Holy Realm and they were only facing two enemies. But maybe they had underestimated who they were up against.

Looking at their injured and dead companions, the remaining Primal Holy Realm masters gathered together to form a barrier with their bodies. They didn't dare to take the initiative to attack Austin or Priest Callum.

Sometimes strong cultivators were more afraid of death than weak ones. None of these Primal Holy Realm masters was willing to lose their life, for they had finally become well-respected figures in the country after years of cultivation.

An eerie silence fell over the area as both parties sized each other up.

The six remaining Primal Holy Realm masters stared at Austin and Priest Callum, staying alert but not making another move.

With the Slaughtering Sword in his hand, Austin glared at his enemies, his eyes icy cold.

Priest Callum stood beside Austin, holding his wand. They didn't take their eyes off of their opponents.

The crowd who watched them remained silent as well.

"It looks like the queen is going to break the cocoon.

We need to find a place for her to get through the Heavenly Doom, quickly!"

Priest Callum's voice could be heard clearly in Austin's Soul Sea all of a sudden.

"Do you mean we have to leave here right now?" Austin asked, looking surprised.

He didn't expect the queen to break the cocoon so soon.

"We can't let the queen stay in that City model anymore.

It lacks evil energy, which will negatively affect her making a breakthrough.

Transport her out now," Priest Callum urged.

His grip tightened on his wand, betraying how anxious he was feeling.

Austin understood what was going on immediately.

'The queen needs massive amounts of evil energy to break the cocoon, but there is no evil energy in my City model.

I should transport the queen out so that she can absorb evil energy from somewhere else, or she might fail to make the breakthrough, ' Austin talked himself through the situation in his head.

Without any hesitation, he started to activate the transportation power of the City model.

After just a moment, a pale gray light flashed.

When it was gone, a strange object had appeared before them.

A gray cocoon wrapped by evil energy floated in front of Austin.


Evil energy flowed toward the cocoon from all directions. They couldn't see it with their eyes, but they felt the tiny hairs on their skin rise as if there was a chill in the air.

"What's this?"

The cultivators, including the six Primal Holy Realm ones, were stunned at the sight. Though they wanted to turn away in fear, they couldn't take their eyes off of it.

"Where did this gray cocoon come from?"

"Let's get out of here," Austin said to Priest Callum.

He exerted the Demonic Teleportation Skill, and shadows appeared to whisk him away.

The next second, Austin was five kilometers away from his enemies.

Priest Callum stayed close to Austin with some special body movement skill that helped him to move very fast.

"Catch him!

Austin caught our companions. We can't let him run away," one of the six Primal Holy Realm masters shouted, pointing in the direction the two men were escaping.

The six of them glanced at one another with uncertainty.

They mustered up the courage and went after Austin, using their own skills in an attempt to catch up.

"Come on, guys. Let's go get Austin!" one of them rallied the group.

"Let's work together to fight him. We've got several thousand companions. I believe we take that brat," another encouraged.

"I agree. Even if Austin has some superpower, he is no match for us."

The people of the five top sects decided to track Austin down too. With them came four clans, as well as the Polarity Sect, Celestial Gate Sect, and Breeze Sect, all set on bringing Austin down.

Suddenly, countless flying magic treasures dotted the sky, heading in the same direction Austin had been heading to.

Holding the gray cocoon, Austin activated the Demonic Teleportation Skill five times in a row without pausing in between. Now he was over twenty kilometers away from the Heavenly Emperor City.

The gray cocoon kept emitting tremendous evil energy. Wherever it passed by, evil energy appeared and corrupted the space.


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