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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1270

"Come here!"

Austin ordered with an authoritative voice.

The Annihilator Demon Emperor came to Austin's side at once.

"Ha-ha, very good!"

Austin said with a smirk, for he felt very proud.

At that time, Austin felt that the Annihilator Demon Emperor was a part of his own. He was able to take control of it like an extension of himself.

By using the power of his mind, he was able to order the Annihilator Demon Emperor to do anything through another spiritual soul.

Therefore, the Annihilator Demon Emperor's horrifying strong demonic energy also belonged to Austin.

Moreover, Austin could also take control of this demonic avatar to cultivate demonic energy and the demonic skills.

On the other hand, he could cultivate the vital energy in his own body.

It would be clear from now on. He wouldn't worry about mistaking two kinds of energy.

He didn't need to worry that the evil aura would invade his own Soul Sea, either.

Despite the Avatar-making Skill being a new way for Austin to cultivate, he knew he would master it quickly.

This opened up an amazing opportunity for Austin, and he could cultivate demonic energy and demonic skills without worries.

"Come here! Combine with me so that we may become one!"

Austin controlled the demonic avatar with his mind and made it come close to his own body.

With a whizzing sound

and some concentration from Austin, the demonic avatar rushed over and combined with Austin.

Someone who used the Avatar-making Skill could combine with his avatar.

It was just another wonderful advantage of the Avatar-making Skill.

When he needed the help of his avatar, whether for attacks, self-defense, or retrieving something, he would release it at that time.

Austin was very satisfied with this ability. It meant that he didn't need to carry the demonic avatar wherever he went.

But if he should find himself in danger, he would be able to release his avatar at once and defeat his enemies or escape.

"You have absorbed the Annihilator Demon Emperor's body?

That's fantastic. Well done!"

The queen was almost speechless as she looked at Austin with an expression that made it clear how impressed she was.

"Ha-ha, I feel great!"

Austin beamed with pride and happiness.

This demonic avatar had inherited most of the demonic energy of the Annihilator Demon Emperor.

Austin knew that he had most of energy of the Annihilator Demon Emperor after he took control of the demon's body.

He guessed that he didn't need to be afraid of the master at the Holy Realm now that he had this new power.

"All right. It is time to leave here,"

Austin said to the queen.

The queen nodded her head in agreement with him.

It was pointless to stay here where they wouldn't make any progress.

Austin sent a mental message to the demonic beast through his spiritual sense and told it that they were going to leave.

Austin saw the demonic beast nodded its head.

It stretched out its head and gave a stroke to the grey egg.

The shadow of the demonic beast disappeared suddenly and turned into a bright grey light in the sky. Then the bright light surrounded the grey egg. It seemed that the grey light instantly melt into the egg.

Austin and the queen were shocked by what they had seen.

Austin received the last message that the demonic beast sent to him by its spiritual sense.

The demonic beast had turned its energy into a seal that attached itself to the grey egg.

The demonic beast no longer existed. But its energy would protect the grey egg from now on.

It had chosen another way to stay with its child.

"You can rest in peace.

I will do everything in my power to protect your baby and hatch the grey egg,"

Austin said as he looked up at the faint grey light that still lingered in the sky.

In the time that they spent together, it had given the Ancient Dragon Sword to Austin and also helped Austin to get the demonic avatar. Austin couldn't have improved his strength without its help.

Austin was very grateful for it.

He was also deeply touched by the demonic beast's maternal love for its child.

Austin had viewed it as a senior master in his mind.

It seemed that the grey egg realized what had happened after its parent had given up its existence for it. It was waggling around the grey light.

Austin was able to feel the sadness of the grey egg, and he felt sorry for it.

Half a day had already passed.


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