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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1273

The terrifyingly powerful waves of vital energy force released by the thirteen masters of the Primal Holy Realm caused enormous waves of several hundred meters in height on the sea surface. Even people miles away could hear their swirling sounds across the ocean.

"Austin, you're dead!"

The thirteen masters of the Primal Holy Realm shouted in unison as their fierce eyes fixated on Austin.

Because they launched a maximum and full attack on Austin, they believed it would be his end.

After all, they had also set up the Space-blocking Array, which covered a radius of one kilometer and trapping Austin inside. They were confident that their prey couldn't escape at any cost.

"You're wrong. You are the ones who will go to hell, not me," Austin uttered in a composed manner.

To spice up his mockery, he even placed his hands behind his back, implying he was not threatened at all.

'What's wrong with him?

Did we scare the hell out of him?'

The thirteen cultivators at the Primal Holy Realm were all perplexed as they saw how arrogant the young man looked.

'We attacked him at the same time, but he neither got flustered nor dodged our blow. Instead, he looked rather composed.

I bet he's just faking it as he must be petrified and freaked out, '

they all thought, feeling sanguinely convinced.

While they were ready to taste their victory, something unusual caught their attention.


Suddenly, a dark light flashed from somewhere.

A tall, scary demon stood beside Austin and released a thick evil aura.

It was none other than the Annihilator the Demon Emperor. Austin had recently managed to refine the demon's body as the container of a copy of his spiritual soul. In other words, the demon was now Austin's demonic avatar.

An evil aura, which contained ghastly and spooky energy, beamed in front of Austin.

It collided with the thirteen waves of violent vital energy and shattered it to pieces in an instant.


"What's going on?

Why did a demon come to his rescue?"

The thirteen masters of the Primal Holy Realm finally recognized Austin's sidekick.

"Austin, you're really the spy sent by the demon race, huh?

Now you can't deny that,"

one of the thirteen masters shouted.

"What a bunch of morons.

Go to hell!"

Austin mocked in a deep voice, sweeping his cold eyes through his enemies.


An enormous evil aura blazed up and shone in all directions like a ray of sun.

All of a sudden, it seemed like everything had been completely enveloped by its grisly light. The area turned hollow, and a loud gush of the wind matched the dread created by the evil aura.

"Run!" one of the thirteen masters of the Primal Holy Realm shouted.

All of them were aware that they were not strong enough to withstand the upcoming blow.

Rattled and terrified, they hurriedly turned around in an attempt to flee.

However, they had forgotten that they had locked down the entire space with the Space-blocking Array.

As a result, they couldn't activate their bodily movement skills to flee.

"Shit! Recall the array!" someone said as he turned to look at the evil aura approaching them.

The thirteen cultivators of the Primal Holy Realm had never presumed that they would be the victim of the Space-blocking Array they made.

They initially set up this array to stop Austin from running away, and now the tables had turned on them.

"Oh, no!" "Is this the end of us?!"

Shrill cries resounded incessantly as the thirteen cultivators lamented into a depressing uproar.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Hit by the evil aura, their bodies exploding into pieces, and their blood got spattered all over the air.

Amidst his pain and misery, one of the thirteen cultivators let out a growl and cursed, "Austin, you son of a bitch! I curse you to die painfully."

He felt ashamed to be defeated by a young man whose cultivation base was much lower than his.

It was definitely a big blow to his ego and reputation.

After a few seconds of feeling undignified, the thirteen masters of the Primal Holy Realm were annihilated. Their magisterial fame and influence were utterly flushed down the drain.

'I couldn't believe it!

Annihilator the Demon Emperor's demonic body slaughtered them with just a single move!'

Austin took a deep breath as he couldn't believe it either.

Even though he was the one who controlled the demonic avatar, he was still flabbergasted to witness its immense and tremendous power.

'This is amazing!"

He stared at the demonic avatar, as he felt his heart skipping a beat, both in excitement and slight fear.

"What's happening?"


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