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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1286

Half a day later, the horrific war finally drew to a close.

All the warriors of the demon race had either perished or simply surrendered and ran away. As a result, there were no longer any traces of the demon race anywhere near the Trinary Star City.

All in all, out of the one hundred thousand demon warriors at the start of the war, only a little more than forty thousand were able to escape unharmed.

That meant the demon army had a mass of casualties — more than half of their army, for that matter.

As the war finally drew to an end, Austin quietly recalled the demonic avatar and put it back into his body.

Meanwhile, all of the other human warriors in the Trinary Star City had their eyes on Austin.

At that point, there were still about fifty thousand human warriors left.

Originally, around one hundred thousand human warriors had been stationed in the Trinary Star City. After the cruel war, about half of the army did not survive.

More than that, there were also a small number of human warriors who chose to be deserters throughout the course of the war.

Nevertheless, at that moment, more than fifty thousand pairs of eyes were fixed on Austin.

Suddenly, an old man in yellow stood up.

"Sir, we were able to win the war all because of you.

You saved all of us. If it weren't for you, we would have been killed by the demon army.

I cannot tell you how thankful I am!"

This old man's cultivation base was in the preliminary stage of Semi-holy Realm. Thus, he was strong enough to be considered equal to the queen.

"Hah-hah, one of the main reasons why we were able to win the war was the solidarity among all of the warriors.

I just did what I had to do,"

Austin said with a smile.

"Sir, since Colin escaped during the war, the garrison of the Trinary Star City is now in need of a new leader. If the garrison is left without a leader, we will be left with weak defenses if the demon army ever decides to come again.

So, I have an idea.

Please take the role of the commander of the garrison of the Trinary Star City and lead us in any fight we may have against the demon race,"

the old man in yellow suddenly said to Austin.

"What? Me?"

Austin was surprised.

"Gentlemen, I wonder what you think of my proposal."

The old man in yellow glanced at the rest of the human warriors as he waited for a response.

"Sir, please be our commander and lead us in fights against the demon race!"

More than fifty thousand human warriors shouted in unison.

The sonorous sound echoed all throughout heaven and earth.

At that point, all of the human warriors had been surrounded by the demon army and had to choose between surrendering and being killed.

But at the most critical moment, it was Austin who was able to turn the whole situation around and tip the balance in favor of the human army.

For this exact reason, it was quite clear to all of the people there that their lives had been saved by Austin.

Moreover, Austin's performance also made them appreciate him a lot.

In terms of boldness, Austin had been brave enough to face tens of thousands of demon race on his own. Because of this, he was able to give the human warriors the courage to stand their ground against the demon race.

On the other hand, in terms of strength, these human warriors were all well aware of the fact that the mysterious demon with terrible power was being controlled by Austin.

Because of that strength of his, even the five strongest demon saints of the demon army were caught. They were so amazed that they all scrambled to find the right words to say to Austin in gratitude.

At that moment, everyone felt that as long as this young man served as their commander, they would not be fearful of facing demons in the future.

"Well… To be honest, I'm afraid I will not be up to the position because of my limited abilities."

In hindsight, Austin had no desire to lead tens of thousands of warriors. More than the fact that he had never had such an experience, he also did not have much interest in the position.

After all, up until that point, Austin had always been used to being free.

More than that, Austin knew that if he accepted the post, he would have a lot of troubles to worry about in the future.

"Sir, if the Trinary Star City is left without a commander, the troops will become a dish of loose sand.

Now that everyone supports you, please don't say no.

Gentlemen, come and see our new commander!"

Because the old man in yellow did not want to give Austin the opportunity to refuse, he suddenly fell to the ground on one of his knees and saluted Austin.

"Your honor, commander!"

all the warriors chorused as they fell to the ground on one of their knees.

"Oh… Okay.


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