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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1288

This current situation was totally absurd! So much so that Austin couldn't help but give both Colin and Jason a piercing glare.

He gave them a mocking smile. "What was that just now? The Southern Alliances Army leaders will punish me?

Do you hear yourself when you speak?

Do you honestly not remember what you did? Must I remind you?

You were the one who ran away from the battlefield. Now, you come back here and accuse me of betraying the Southern Alliances Army.

You've got no right to put the blame on me.

I believe the leaders will be fair. I've no doubt that they will punish the real traitors.

You should get lost!"

Austin smirked.


Elder Jason of the Thunder Sect huffed.

Colin's eyes darkened in fury at Austin's words.

He breathed heavily and tried to contain the all-consuming rage that threatened to spill out of him.

What Austin said just now was true. During the battle, over ten thousand cultivators had seen him flee.

He was so enraged. He knew what Austin said was technically correct, but he couldn't just let the insults pass.

He looked up at Austin in fury. "Such an eloquent man! It seems you're very talented at framing people."

Colin lifted his chin up high, as if he was an upright general rather than a traitor who had deserted the battlefield. "I'm still the commander here. I'm going to lock you up because you colluded with the demon race. The superiors will punish you accordingly!"

With that bold declaration, Colin suddenly charged at Austin with extreme aggression!

However, instead of dodging, Austin merely stood still.


There was a flash of dark light as a demon suddenly stood in front of Austin, protecting him from his charging opponent.


In a loud sound of explosion, Colin was forced to fly backwards.

He was sent around a thousand meters away by the demon. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and it took him quite a while to steady himself.

His eyes were full of shock as he tried to put together the events of what just happened.

He pointed an accusatory finger at Austin. "I knew you were a traitor! You colluded with a demon.

Tell me honestly, what's your mission? What do you want from us?"

Colin shouted in a crazed voice.

"I will not repeat myself twice: go away!"

Austin said threateningly.

However, Colin wasn't going to back down so easily. "Look everyone! Austin connived with the demon race and the evidence is strong.

I command you to take him down!"

Colin ordered.

There was dead silence after Collin issued his command. All cultivators in the Trinary Star City merely stood there as the confrontation between the three unfolded.

Nobody really knew what to do. All they knew was that they weren't going to follow Colin's order. Nobody was willing to put Austin behind bars anytime soon.

"Are you kidding me? Are you all siding with the demon race now?" Colin scoffed in disbelief.

His words did nothing but to earn him even more animosity with the other cultivators. 'This mysterious demon showed up and saved forty thousand of our companions. It destroyed those demon saints and won us the war, ' everyone thought.

For the cultivators, they considered the mysterious demon with Austin as their ally and companion already.

They looked at Colin with contempt in their eyes.

'He is a master of the Holy Realm, but now he is being unreasonable, ' the cultivators couldn't help but sigh.

The defiance was clear on their faces as they all finally stood up against Colin's tyranny.

Austin couldn't contain his rage and shouted with a booming voice. "Are you deaf?

Get out of here

or I'll show you no mercy,"

he shouted.

Colin was currently at a loss, not really willing to accept what was happening. He looked at the cultivators before him and refused to acknowledge the clear defiance in their eyes as they looked at him.

There was contempt and anger that lingered behind their eyes and that was when he knew that he no longer held any power over them.


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