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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1291

The elder who was dressed like a Taoist priest was none other than Colin; a powerful man who had been in charge of troops sent by the Southern Alliances stationed in the Trinary Star City.

Baldwin was brandishing an overwhelmingly powerful sword aura. When he waved his hand, a vague figure, much like some sort of hologram appeared in front of him. A couple of seconds later, the vision was made clear and the person's face could be seen clearly.

Though virtual, the image was clear enough for it to be recognized as that of Austin.

"Yeah, that's him," Colin confirmed through gritted teeth. There could be no doubt about it.

He glowered at the vision, as if even in virtual reality, Austin was his biggest enemy. His eyes were blazing with an infinite amount of spite.

"I see.

Humph! No wonder he had the balls to take your place. The guy surely is a trouble-maker,"

Baldwin sneered.

If Austin had been here, he would immediately have recognized Baldwin as the person who had intimidated him into handing over the Magic Sea Water to him in the Nonuple Isles.

"So. As it turns out, you were referring to this boy,"

Julius remarked with a smile.

"Buddy, is he that same brat we met in the Middle World Waters?"

another elder in a blazing red robe asked Julius, who was sitting right next to him; and he chose to do so through his spiritual sense.

"Of course that's him. Are those your eyes or coat-buttons?"

Julius rolled his eyes at the elder.

"Ha-ha, this boy always never ceases to surprise me.

You know what, just let him be. I'm looking forwards to seeing what he is going to do next."

This remark was coming from another elder, who was visible at a distance from his flowing white robes.

His name was Godwin.

"From what I can gather, there's a gnawing suspicion on the back of my mind that Austin is a spy sent by the demon race.

I saw that he was with a powerful demon when we crossed paths.

The guy did nothing, but that demon attacked me and I was no match for him," Colin told Baldwin.

He could tell that Baldwin had some sort of trouble brewing with Austin.

"Oh, is that so? Interesting! The demon race is our enemy, but Austin roams around with a demon.

You are right. I am also willing to bet that he is a spy sent by the demon race.

Besides, he even stole your place. Obviously he infiltrated us and tried to eliminate us with the demons. He is an altogether evil guy.

Guys, I think we should take Austin prisoner and interrogate him,"

Baldwin suggested grimly, coming to a final conclusion.

"A spy sent by the demon race?

Baldwin, it was only under Austin's leadership that our army in the Trinary Star City slaughtered over fifty thousand demons. Those people wouldn't have survived that war if he hadn't been there to fight them off!

Do you really think he is a spy for demons?

Ever since the demon race declared war against us, we have seldom won a battle against them.

The only big victory we have in our repertoire is the one from the battle of the Trinary Star City; and Austin takes major credit for that.

But you're saying that he is on their side?

I'm afraid I can't agree with you," Julius retorted in a tone of disbelief and annoyance.

He was sitting opposite Baldwin.

"Julius, what on earth is the relationship between you two? Why do you always speak for Austin and take his side? Just because he helped us, doesn't give us definitive proof.

Who knows, but that battle of Trinary Star City could be just a major farce.

I think that the demon race tried to make a little sacrifice so that their spy could win our trust.

And look at it this way: Austin is in charge of the Trinary Star City. What if he betrays us, right here, right now? What would happen then? We would suffer an immense loss!


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