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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1306

They all felt it at the same time. It was the kind of vital energy wave that only cultivators from the Semi-holy Realm were able to release!

While Brandon was still celebrating the successful breakthrough, Austin summoned the thunder unicorn back to him.

As the thunder unicorn came nearer, he could sense that something had changed within it. Apparently, after it had absorbed all that lightning energy from the Heavenly Doom, the thunder unicorn seemed to have gained a huge amount of power. The aura surrounding it had also become brighter than before.

Imperceptibly nodding his head, Austin was very satisfied by the results from taking a risk on the Heavenly Doom.

The thunder unicorn was recalled back into Austin's elixir field.

"Commander Austin, you cannot begin to fathom how truly grateful I am for your help.

If it weren't for you and your little beast, I don't think I could have made it through the Thunderstroke Doom in one piece. Seriously.

Thus, you have earned my loyalty as your humble servant. I am at your disposal anytime you wish. This represents how grateful I am for everything that you have done for me today. I hope you will realize that."

Brandon went straight towards Austin right after the breakthrough was completed. He thanked Austin sincerely, with all his heart.

He knew the extent of his own abilities, and that without the help of the thunder unicorn, he wouldn't have been able to have a successful breakthrough by himself.

"Brandon, don't think too much of it. It's not that big of a deal. It pleases me to see that you've made it through the Thunderstroke Doom. Congratulations."

Austin gave him a modest smile.

"Thank you, sir. I don't know if you've already heard, but I'm not the only one doing this. Recently, there were many cultivators who had their own breakthroughs as well."

Clark sincerely informed Austin.

"That sounds nice. I'm happy for them."

Austin nodded in agreement. Hearing positive news like the achievements of other cultivators who were doing their best to improve their cultivation base pleased Austin. He had so much respect for all of them.

"Master, how much longer do you plan to stay here in the Phoenix Kingdom?"

Clark suddenly asked.

"We will not be staying much longer. We'll leave in an hour.

Please ensure that the rest of the crew is ready when it's time to leave. An hour is enough time for them to pack up their things,"

Austin ordered Clark.

"An hour?

Why are we leaving so soon? It's been only two days since we've arrived."

Upon hearing Austin's command, Clark and Brandon nearly dropped their jaws in disbelief.

"If I were to give you a piece of my mind about how fast our progress in conquering was for the past two days, it was too slow. We have to keep up to speed. There are more Kingdoms waiting for us to conquer them. We need to go as quickly as we could so as not to give them any clue that a battle is coming their way and give them time to prepare. Is that understood?"


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