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The Supreme God of Martial Arts novel Chapter 1319

As for the fate of the two demon semi-emperors from the demon race, they were in the worst condition and sustained the most injuries.

The one who had dark skin lost not just one but both feet, two arms, and a half of his body. It was a gruesome sight to behold, and one with weaker mind might have fainted by now.

However, the main parts on his upper body such as his head and heart remained unharmed.

Lucky for him, he was from the demon race; and thanks to their amazing resilience, he survived this time. He was able to recover fast, although he was hurt badly and sustained major injuries. His lost body parts were able to grow back, eventually.

If he was a human warrior, there was no way he could recover completely. Even if he escaped death. He would have lost his body parts forever.

As for the demon semi-emperor who had silver scales on his body, his fate was a lot better. He lost his right foot and right arm but sustained no other injuries.

However, just when they thought the worst was over, something unexpected happened all of a sudden!

It was Austin. Without any warning he rushed out coming from the sixth passageway!

Baldwin and the two demon semi-emperors froze. It was too late! They screamed in surprise upon seeing Austin. Unable to move, they waited for the moving figure as he advanced towards them.

With their eyes locked on Austin, they stared in disbelief. One couldn't blame them, though. Who would have thought such things?

Austin was seen rushing out from a passageway. It was connected to the Trailing Corridor with level six sword potential, not the fifth they saw him enter in the beginning!

"What? Austin, you broke into the two Trialing Corridors! Am I right?

And your body remained intact! You did not get hurt at all?"

Baldwin asked coldly as he stared at Austin's unharmed body. Austin's brilliant and impossible achievement made him very unhappy. He was full of doubt and resentment at what he just witnessed. He was the master of swordsmanship here, yet he was badly injured while this puny cheeky bastard Austin wasn't! How could he ever live with that?

"That's impossible! Let me just ask you! Austin, you entered the Trail Corridor with level five and six sword potential, and you came out unharmed? With no injury at all?"

the two demon semi-emperors also asked as they stared at Austin in shock, unable to believe what just happened. They blinked their eyes and pinched their skins to make sure they were not dreaming and unconscious from their injuries. They wanted to make sure that everything they had witnessed was for real.

It was no wonder that everyone was shocked at the man in front of them. They had been there and undergone the trial, and they surely knew how difficult it was! Then again, Austin was alive and unharmed. He was in perfect condition and energy was vibrating out of his body.

They looked at him from head to foot. They searched for any hidden injuries, broken bones or blood stain on his clothes. There was nothing. Not a single injury was found on his body.

Compared with Austin, Baldwin and the two demon semi-emperors were badly hurt and disfigured, with several of their body parts missing.

All of them passed through the Trialing Corridor. Austin was with them, but he remained unharmed while the rest of them was badly injured.

Austin stared at them coldly and was not making any response.

The three figures in front of him were all his mortal enemies. There was no reason for him to be nice to them at all.


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